Hello. I am trying to figure out how to uninstall SafeGuard Enterprise v7 without having to decrypt BitLocker. We are just moving to another product for the escrow of the key. Due to the age of some assets and time to decrypt (legacy hard drives) I rather not do it just to change the product we are escrowing the keys with. Especially as we'll just bitlocker it with teh same exact settings. Before our contract was up we were told that would allow us to do this but I cannot figure it out. The policy has not been touched in years but allows decrypt and uninstall.

THan you for the link. I found that a bit ago and while it covers decrypt vs purely uninstall only my policies are that way. I have the initial one with YEs to user can decrypt and a separate one with no encryption. decrypting is not an issue. That works just fine. After decrypt I can remove SafeGuard Enterprise. As stated, I want to uninstall the product and leave bitlocker alone. Some systems can do it. Others cannot which points me to policy IMO.

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If you are not seeing this, can you verify that the device is successfully enrolled with advanced Windows management? You can check if device is enrolled from the settings app. You can also create logs and look at bitlocker value. -us/windows/client-management/mdm-collect-logs

Would it prompt them if they are a standard user? Standard users normally can't enable bitlocker. I have an open ticket with support and am waiting to see what they say. In the meantime I added a second test computer, same behavior. Nothing happens all other policies seem to be working.

Ah that could be the problem. Just looking into Microsoft's documentation, there seems to be new settings enabled in the OS that can make this possible. Can you use Custom settings section of Admin console to enable these settings in addition to the bitlocker settings?

I don't mind turning bitlocker on with the local administrator account. However, on my test machine when I enable bitlocker with the local administrator account, the admin console still reports that the device is unencrypted.

From what I can tell If you enable bitlocker before enrolling the device to a user the admin portal will never correctly report the device as encrypted. This creates a catch 22. You have to enroll the device before the user gets it to enable bitlocker. 

The policies you listed state that they are only for Azure Active Directory Joined devices.

The closest thing I can think of is your Windows "digital entitlement" which is somewhat tied to your hardware, if you replace too much hardware, the license will at least need to be re-activated. He might think having the bitlocker key will reduce the chances of that happening (which to the best of my knowledge it doesn't).

The only way this makes sense is if the old disk was replaced,so the new disk is empty, yet the bitlocker key is stillfound in the TPM so the BIOS is still insistingon it, although the new disk isn't encrypted at all.However, the technician cannot access the disk withoutthe password in order to install Windows.

now here comes the problem. You need the bitlocker key if going to do any resets or restoring from any backups. They are locked to your Microsoft account. That key will let you back in that drive or anyother drive you have bitlocked..

If we insert a bitlocker encrypted usb drive we can not decrypt it because windows in the citrix sessions says "there is no available drive to unlock" because the redirected drive is not seen as real physical drive for citrix. So users with citrix can not use encrypted usb sticks

For VMware or other VSA style backups, you can backup the volume no problem, but file level browse wont work since that would require the decryption key and code to process bitlocker volumes. You could still do a full VM restore or restore/attach the volume back to another VM to decrypt it

Trying to install 20.04 from a flash drive into an HP ProDesk with a Toshiba SSD, alongside Win 10. All goes well until I get to a screen that tells me to disable the bitlocker manager. So I go to the system in Control Panel, as instructed, and it tells me bitlocker is not active. And that is where I am stuck. How do I get past this?

I have a problem while installing Full Disk Encryption,

Eset tells me that the computer is already encrypted by Bitlocker but it is not. I tried encrypting the pc bitlocker then disabling it but I still get this error message.

I've created a ps1 file that runs on our UTIL server for all workstations on our domain that checks if the computer is online, skips offline computers, checks bitlocker status, formats results, and writes to a CSV file.

From setting up bitlocker it looks like we would only be able to do that if we had configured network boot or use a recovery password to start up the machine. Does anyone know of anything else that we could do for this?

You can configure bitlocker requirements by GP. That way when you suspend bit locker and reboot, it automatically resumes. Using the powershell commands, you can also set how many reboots it stays suspended for.

If you are going to go through the trouble of applying bitlocker to one drive, you might as well do all of them. In the long run it will save you because even though you will be saving your data to the other drive, some programs (i.e. browsers) will often save sensitive data where they are installed or even in within folders on the main OS drive without you knowing.

I don't get how "automatically unlock" Bitlocker feature works on Windows 10. I have a main SSD with OS installed in it that's encrypted with bitlocker and another drive encrypted with bitlocker that automatically unlocks itself at boot.

I read in the documentation that a drive set to unlock automatically "can be unlocked only when the main OS drive is locked with bitlocker too". This looks like that it can be unlocked with whatever other main OS drive encrypted with bitlocker and not only with my own main OS drive. Does this then mean that i can put my data drive on another PC using bitlocker (on the main OS drive) and it will again automatically unlock there too?

We have the same situation where we want to deploy/ enable bitlocker through altiris tool. I have not found any steps where we can enable the Bitlocker remotely using altiris tool, like SCCM and other endpoint tool have features to run it through console.

Setting up a new NUC7i7 for use at work and the bitlocker encryption fails telling me there is no TMP module or it has not been claimed. Something to that effect. Checking the specs and reading some forum questions there is no TPM in this NUM however there is PTT along with AES instructions in the processor such that the TPM is in the processor or that with the PTT in the bios works as TPM does/did. There are quotes from Intel saying Bitlocker will work with PTT.

Yes I got things working by encrypting the drive after the fact. The install process was trying to do it as part of the install and thst kept failing. But I was able to use the bitlocker aplet to get it encrypted.

a few months ago there was a microsoft update forget the kb # addressing bitlocker , which for many caused some issues with a random blue screen of enter your bitlocker number etc... ( when you turn on device)

The data on my hard disk was deleted from an encrypted bitlocker hard disk. After deleting the data, a new partition including a new installation of windows was created on the same hard disk. The key to the original bitlocker encrypted data is available.

The problem is my microsoft account does not have any devices linked and I cant find any way to access my bitlocker key. Is there any other way to access my Key? I cant even call customer support and this is getting frustrating...Please help e24fc04721

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