I have a curl command given like this i'm trying to do a curl to create a topic on confluent kafka i have an issue understanding this curl statement, on official documentation curl command is given as below

I need to write above json to kafka using kafka-rest, and i use curl call to perform HTTP post on kafka-rest but it's returning error. how to successfully write to kafka using kafka-rest (using curl)?.

Download Kafka Using Curl

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This example and the next few examples refer to a new topic called my-kafka which will be used to demonstrate subject-level compatibility configuration.Assume for these examples that you have created this topic either in the Confluent Control Center or at Kafka command line using. If you wouldlike to stick with the command line and create the topic now to follow along, use Kafka commands similar to the following to create the topic, then check for its existence:

These examples show how to communicate with Schema Registry over HTTPS.You can extrapolate from these few examples to know how to run additional commands. When communicatingwith Schema Registry with HTTPS enabled, apply the patterns shown for the curl commands (specifying a certificate,key, and so forth) to accomplish the other usage examples shown above. For more about configuring andusing Schema Registry with security enabled, see Schema Registry Security Overview.

"input.path": "C:\Users\dinardo\Desktop\demo-scene-master\csv-to-kafka\mydata\unprocessed"

"finished.path": "C:\Users\dinardo\Desktop\demo-scene-master\csv-to-kafka\mydata\processed"

"error.path": "C:\Users\dinardo\Desktop\demo-scene-master\csv-to-kafka\mydata\error"

Currently the REST API only supports application/json as both the requestand response entity content type. Your requests should specify the expectedcontent type of the response using the HTTP Accept header:

Create a new connector using the given configuration, or update the configuration for an existing connector. Returnsinformation about the connector after the change has been made. Return 409 (Conflict) ifrebalance is in process.

I want to configure MongoSinkConnector to read the data from Kafka topics and load the same to MongoDB Collection. I have TLS enabled on my Mongo DB (AWS Document DB) cluster. I have ca-bundle.pem file for accessing the Mongo Cluster. I have created a new keystore on my local machine, added the ca-bundle.pem file to the newly created keystore. Mounted the keystore to the kafka-connect docker container by specifying the keystore binding in kafka-connect volumes in docker-compose file.

my kafka-cluster is running on my local system and Document DB (My mongo db) cluster is on AWS. I have ca-bundle.pem file which I usually use to access Document DB (My mongo db) from my local machine.

I have applied the curl statement to create a Splunk Kafka connector which is working, but how do I list all the connectors who are running at the moment? 

For example, this curl connector's name is "test" but I have 4 others and I forgot the names.

Hi, I am new to Kafka and started running a docker container with confluentinc/cp-kafka-connect-base:7.1.2 as the base image. However, when I run the container and execute it in shell using the command curl :8083/connectors , it does not give me the connectors but an empty output. It works when I run it as /connectors-plugins, giving a list of my connector plugin classes.

I want to know how to proceed in troubleshooting why a curl request to a webserver doesn't work. I'm not looking for help that would be dependent upon my environment, I just want to know how to collect information about exactly what part of the communication is failing, port numbers, etc.

You likely will need to troubleshoot this from the server side, not the client side. I believe you are confusing an 'empty response' with 'no response'. They do not mean the same thing. Likely you are getting a reply that does not contain any data.

In distributed mode you have to use the REST API to configure your Connectors, that's the only option. You can of course also start investigating into using Connect by starting with standalone mode. Then you do not need a REST call to configure your connector, you can just provide the connector.properties file as additional parameter at starting time of the ConnectWorker to the connect-standalone.sh script (ref. here)

if you try the standalone-mode, there is no configuration via REST at all, hence you do NOT need any curl command to provide the connector config to your worker. In standalone-mode you pass the connector config as a second commandline parameter to start your worker, see here for an example how to start the standalone stuff including the connector config.

Do you execute the curl command from the same node where you started Connect Worker, or is it from a remote host and maybe the AWS Network/Security settings prevent you from talking to the REST Interface ?

You can use the curl command to get additional details about the version of Elasticsearch that is installed and running on your machine. This will output similar information to the Kibana dev console approach discussed above.

Note: This procedure assumes that you have installed the Apache Kafka distribution. If you are using a different Kafka distribution, you may need to adjust certain commands in the procedure.

The Kafka REST Proxy provides a RESTful interface to a Kafka cluster. It makes it easy to produce and consume messages, view the state of the cluster, and perform administrative actions without using the native Kafka protocol or clients.

Hey I want to create Dashboard using filebeat for apache access logs. I have complete 11 nodes on staging out of which 7 nodes are of elasticsearch(3 master nodes, 2 coordination nodes, 2 data nodes), and other 3 nodes are of kafka and one is node is of kibana/logstash. I have set up my filebeat on one of the kafka nodes. In which I have given elasticsearch coordination nodes as output . I am able to able to create the index on elasticsearch named filebeat using filebeat configuration and it is being shown on Kibana UI in index management the thing is after so many attempts I am notable to create dashboard following is my configuration and the error I am facing---------

Thankyou for your help and more importantly for guiding how to post with a proper format. I am learning from the best I assume.

I am able to access my Kibana using the URL as mentioned in the filebeat yaml file through any browser and Kibana is running on https and will share my kibana yaml file. I hope you can give me some lead. I appreciate your help.

The results of the curl above shows that there is no connectivity... That's something I think are going to have to figure out on your own or ask somebody else on your network or laptop or server to help you with.

Mucking about with command line flags for configuration of Docker containers gets kind of gross after a short amount of time. Much better is to use Docker Compose.

Shut down the Docker containers from above first (docker rm -f broker; docker rm -f zookeeper) and then create docker-compose.yml locally using this example.

You can run docker-compose up -d and it will restart any containers for which the configuration has changed (i.e., broker). Note that if you just run docker-compose restart broker, it will restart the container using its existing configuration (and not pick up the ports addition).

Sometimes using a tracing system is intimidating because it seems like you need complex application instrumentationor a span ingestion pipeline in order to push spans. This guide aims to show an extremely basic technique forpushing spans with HTTP/JSON from a Bash script using the OpenTelemetry receiver.

Replace startTimeUnixNano and endTimeUnixNano with current values for the last 24 hours to allow you to search for them using a 24 hour relative time range. You can get this in seconds and milliseconds from the following link.Multiple the milliseconds value by 1,000,000 to turn it into nanoseconds. You can do this from a bash terminal with:

The test command above means that exit 1 will be run if curl returns non-zero exit code. Whereas, the health-check end-point will respond with a HTTP status code. Where does the translation of HTTP status code or semantics of UP or DOWN into shell exit codes happen?

If curl fails to make the request, it will return one of the error codes from the url you shared, but the || exit 1 makes sure that instead of returning any non zero exit code directly, it exits with exit code 1. The || is sh/bash syntax for logical OR, which will be evaluated, if the previous command did not return exist code 0.

The Confluent REST Proxy provides a "RESTful interface" on top of Kafka, allowing you to produce and consume messages using simple HTTP requests. In this lab, you will have the opportunity to interact with the REST proxy by consuming some existing messages. This will give you some hands-on experience with the requests necessary for consuming Kafka data using REST.

This is the fourth post in this series where we go through the basics of using Kafka. We saw in the previous posts how to produce and consume data in JSON format. We will now see how to serialize our data with Avro.

The following example shows how to reset offsets for a kafka supervisor with the name social_media. Let's say the supervisor is readingfrom a kafka topic ads_media_stream and has the stored offsets: {"0": 0, "1": 10, "2": 20, "3": 40}.

Here is an example of a cURL request for accessing JMX metrics using Jolokia. Before executing the cURL request,:doc:download the CA certificate specific to your project. The CA certificate file is identical for all endpoints and services within the same project.Performing a cURL request to read a specific metric:

As before, we assume that you have downloaded and extracted the Coral platform on your machine, and that Cassandra is running. In this tutorial, we assume that you use the latest version of the Coral platform. We will also assume that you use curl to send commands to Coral. As stated in the section Prerequisites, however, you can use any HTTP client you want. e24fc04721

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