this song is about 2 people who have known each other and loved each other so much that they have grown apart. love made them see each other's flaws. they have gotten sick of each other and are realizing how diferent they really are.

I am writing this at almost 4 am, on my laptop. To my left, with her back to me lays my wife, asleep but restless, and almost every night she whimpers in her sleep, and it kills me. Together for ten years, married for 3. She's my best friend, I love her very much, but the love I feel isn't the way it was, as she still loves me. We have grown apart in so many ways, to many to name. I have felt this way for a couple years, and always thought it's OK, it will change, it's just temporary. Than I met someone at work, that over several years of working together brought back feelings I used to have, those sparks only love can bring, and I remembered how it was supposed to be, and I hated myself, and I quit my job, because it's so painful to realize how something just a wall over can make you so happy, but know it will never be, and the betrayal these feelings were to my wife. My Wife knows there is something wrong, and it is scaring her to death. I have lashed out, been cold and distant, yet she still tries. And I love her for that, but...starting to hate it. We are so the same as when we met, but so different, I try to bring it up but it's always deflected, and everyday I feel more suffocated. I know what I have to do, they always say the truth will set you free, but the suffering I feel now, I do not want her to feel. So I lay here sometimes, hoping I never wake up. She will never know the darkness in my heart, and thus will never be scarred.She has did nothing wrong but love me and count on me to do the same.

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@theduke77 Today March 21 2002, I am reading your thoughts of 2014. Not knowing you or how your life is now. I too was in the situation of a marriage going wrong. I tried so hard to make it work but nothing mattered. I felt as I was the third person on my marriage. Today is the first time I heard the song "Love will tear us apart" by Ian. Oh, if I had only heard it earlier it would have made my choice of leaving the marriage easier. It took 27 years to take that step of freedom. I am middle aged and most men are looking for the younger ladies. I have been divorced for 13 years. It is that I have found a different enjoyment being single and doing the things I enjoy. Hopefully one day I when men start looking for a real woman of their own age I may think about trying again. Until then I will continue to listen to the song and music.

There's a definite irony to the song; a sense of strange doom, despite the inclusion of 'love'. While this was clearly never intended, it's often struck me as reminiscent of a failed friendship, rather than a romance. For whatever reason (other partners, obligations, so forth) they can't have a romantic relationship, and there's too much intensity for the dynamic to remain platonic. And thus, 'love' will 'tear them apart'. Why again? Meh. Maybe this isn't the first time. They could've been battling it awhile.

Any fellow fans of BSG (Battlestar Galactica) would see this sort of thing playing out pretty clearly between Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace and Lee 'Apollo' Adama. A great, close friendship torn apart by the intensity introduced by love that neither could ever seem to handle at the same time. ('Is my timing that flawed?') 17dc91bb1f

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