Where then does Old Germanic kuss- ~ kukk- belong? Many researchers have suggested that it is sound-imitative, like smack. Perhaps we really hear or think we hear smack, chmok, kuss, and kukk when we kiss. However, even an onomatopoeic word can have a protoform. Reconstructing any protoform is pure algebra. For example, the Gothic for come is qiman (pronounced as kwiman). Its indisputable Latin cognate is venire. To make the two belong together, we should posit an ancestor beginning with gw-. In Latin, g was lost, and in Germanic it yielded k, according to the law of the consonant shift (b, d, g to p, t, k). Did the ancestors of Latin speakers ever say gwenire? Most likely, they did.

Hand-kissing is a greeting gesture that indicates courtesy, politeness, respect, admiration, affection or even devotion by one person toward another. A hand-kiss is considered a respectful way for a gentleman to greet a lady. Today, non-ritual hand-kissing is rare and takes place mostly within conservative class or diplomatic contexts. Today, the hand kiss has largely been replaced by a kiss on the cheek or a handshake.

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A non-ritual hand-kiss can be initiated by the lady, who would hold out her right hand with the back of the hand facing upward; or by the gentleman extending his right hand with the palm facing upward to invite the lady to put her right hand lightly on it facing downward. The gentleman may bow towards the offered hand and (often symbolically) would touch her knuckles with his lips, while lightly holding the offered hand. However, the lips do not actually touch the hand in modern tradition, especially in a formal environment where any intimate or romantic undertones could be considered inappropriate.[1][2][3] The gesture is short, lasting less than a second.

In Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia, Somalia, and Brunei, hand-kissing is a common way to greet elder people of all genders, primarily the closest relatives (both parents, grandparents, and uncles or aunts) and teachers. Occasionally, after kissing the hand, the greeter will draw the hand to his own forehead. In the Philippines, the gesture evolved into just touching the hand to the forehead; hand-kissing itself has become a separate kind of gesture that has merged with the European custom concerning when it may be used.

Kissing the hand, or particularly a ring on the hand was also a gesture of formal submission or pledge of allegiance of man to man, or as a diplomatic gesture. The gesture would indicate submission by kissing the signet ring (a form of seal worn as a jewelry ring), the person's symbol of authority. The gesture was common in the European upper class throughout the 18th and 19th centuries. It started to disappear in the 20th century, to be replaced by the egalitarian handshake. However, former French president Jacques Chirac made hand-kissing his trademark and the gesture is still encountered in diplomatic situations.[5]

In the Catholic Church, a Catholic meeting the Pope or a Cardinal, or even a lower-ranking prelate, will kiss the ring on his hand. This has become uncommon in circles not used to formal protocol, even often dispensed with amongst clergy. Sometimes, the devout Catholic combines the hand kissing with kneeling on the left knee as an even stronger expression of filial respect for the clerically high-ranking father. The cleric may then in a fatherly way lay his other hand on the kisser's head or even bless him/her by a manual cross sign. In the Catholic Church, it is also traditional for the laity to kiss the hands of a newly-ordained priest after his inaugural mass, in veneration of the Body of Christ, which is held in the priest's hands during the Holy Eucharist. In May 2014, Pope Francis kissed the hands of six Holocaust survivors to honour the six million Jews killed in the Holocaust.[6]

In the Eastern Orthodox Church, and Oriental Orthodox Churches, it is appropriate and common for laity to greet clergy, whether priests or bishops, by making a profound bow and saying, "Father, bless" (to a priest) or "Master, bless" (to a bishop) while placing their right hand, palm up, in front of their bodies. The priest then blesses them with the sign of the cross and then places his hand in theirs, offering the opportunity to kiss his hand. Orthodox Christians kiss their priest's hands not only to honor their spiritual father confessor, but in veneration of the Body of Christ which the priest handles during the Divine Liturgy as he prepares Holy Communion. It is also a common practice when writing a letter to a priest to begin with the words "Father Bless" rather than "Dear Father" and end the letter with the words "Kissing your right hand" rather than "Sincerely."

During liturgical services, altar servers and lower clergy will kiss the hand of a priest when handing him something in the course of their duties, such as a censer, when he receives it in his right hand, and a bishop when he receives it in either hand since a bishop bestows blessings with both hands.

While Aquaman's core was the love story between Atlanna (Nicole Kidman) and Thomas Curry (Temuera Morrison), the film also kicked off the romantic connection between the future king and queen of Atlantis, Arthur and Mera. The young couple started on the wrong note with a contentious relationship stemming from their strong individual personalities, but as they spent more time together, Arthur and Mera proved to be a formidable team. As for the film itself - a certified global box office hit, making it the highest-grossing DCEU movie internationally with $900 million - it's safe to say that fans around the world enjoyed the latest superhero project from Warner Bros. However, some may not have been able to see Aquaman in its full glory with Arthur and Mera's memorable kiss reportedly cut in some countries.

What makes the supposed censorship more controversial is the fact that shorter kisses between Atlanna and Thomas Curry were kept in the movie. The move may have been understandable from Saudi Arabia, which has always been known to have strict entertainment laws and even banned cinemas for 35 years (only lifted last year), but Indonesian fans seem to be particularly irked. The mandate in Indonesia is believed to be from the State Agency, Lembaga Sensor Film (Film Censorship Institute) which screens films, TV series, and even advertisements in the country for its appropriateness of the material with regard to their established standards. The government department's website lists down the film's runtime as 142 minutes, whereas its full version clocks at 143 minutes and 8 seconds. Chances are that Arthur and Mera's kiss was deemed to be too long compared to other ones in the flick, prompting it to be cut from the film. Perhaps the fact that that it was also significantly more passionate was also a factor in the Institute's decision.

Kissing is wonderful - so wonderful that most of us can recall 90 per cent of the details of our first kiss. Human beings have been preoccupied with kissing for years. It features as the climax of all great Hollywood love stories, and is celebrated by singers and poets alike. In reality, kissing is nothing more than two people putting their faces together and exchanging spit. How on earth did something so gross become so appealing? The act of kissing has developed to become advantageous to humans: if it didn't serve an evolutionary purpose, we simply would not do it.

The brain goes into overdrive during the all-important kiss. It dedicates a disproportionate amount of space to the sensation of the lips in comparison to much larger body parts. During a kiss, this lip sensitivity causes our brain to create a chemical cocktail that can give us a natural high. This cocktail is made up of three chemicals, all designed to make us feel good and crave more: dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin. Like any cocktail, this one has an array of side-effects. The combination of these three chemicals work by lighting up the 'pleasure centres' in our brain. The dopamine released during a kiss can stimulate the same area of the brain activated by heroin and cocaine. As a result, we experience feelings of euphoria and addictive behaviour. Oxytocin, otherwise known as the 'love hormone', fosters feelings of affection and attachment. This is the same hormone that is released during childbirth and breastfeeding. Finally, the levels of serotonin present in the brain whilst kissing look a lot like those of someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. No wonder the memory of a good kiss can stay with us for years.

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Ah, the cheek kiss. The greeting of sophistication from around the world. But how to do it? When is appropriate? Is it one cheek, or two? Do we start with a left or right? Can anybody give cheek kisses?

If you at least vaguely know the person you are greeting in the Netherlands, Belgium, or Switzerland, your cheek kisses should total three and start with the right cheek. Women kiss everyone, and men only kiss women in all three countries, yet you might sneak in some cheek kisses between men if you are in the Francophone part of Belgium.

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