Before the bridge is removed I usually receive a RecordingFinished event. But not every time. Sometimes bridge removes faster and I have such string in logs:

stasis/app.c bridge BRIDGE_NAME unsubscribed from APP_NAME and no more events about RecordFinished on this bridge.

Perhaps it is normal behavior (async, etc). Can someone suggest best practices in this situation?

However, the destruction of the Old Mostar Bridge during the 1993 war is a special case. The war at the time pitted the HVO Croat forces against Bosnian (ABiH) soldiers in the town of Mostar. The bridge allowed the latter to bring arms supplies and to bring food and medicines to besieged Muslim civilians on the west bank.

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Russia uses the road and railway bridges to push troops and supplies to the frontline in southern Ukraine. In addition, the bridge is the primary supply route for the significant Russian garrison of Crimea.

The Kerch Strait, where the bridge is located, is vital to logistically support Russian forces in southern Ukraine. Besides the bridge, the Russian Navy operates a number of military and civilian vessels to ferry troops and supplies from Russia to Crimea.

In addition, Moscow has placed near the bridge TDA-3 smoke generators on trucks that can create dense smokescreens as countermeasures against aircraft, but especially against unmanned aerial systems. The Russian military has been operating the smokescreens in the area since May and has activated them at least once in August.

The Ukrainians have successfully attacked and damaged the Kerch Bridge twice in the war so far. Last year, around this time, the Ukrainian Military Intelligence (GUR) detonated a truck full of explosives on the road bridge, severely damaging the route as well as the adjacent railway bridge. Then, a few weeks ago, the Ukrainian forces attacked once more with an experimental underwater unmanned system and inflicted significant damage to the road bridge.

The new Nice-Middleton Bridge connecting Virginia to Maryland over the Potomac River is opening today. However, a group of cycling and outdoor enthusiasts doesn't want the old bridge to close. Unfortunately, they have not been able to block Maryland from dismantling the old Nice-Middleton Bridge.

The lawyer hired by the coalition said leaving the original Nice-Middleton Bridge in place would preserve the opportunity to use it for recreation. When Hogan announced plans to replace the 1940s-era bridge, he pledged to include a dedicated bike/pedestrian lane on the new span. Those plans were later dropped to cut costs.

Authorities in Cameroon have rebuilt a bridge that Boko Haram militants destroyed in 2015 in an effort to damage trade with Nigeria and Chad. The government also deployed additional troops to protect construction workers repairing other damage caused by the militants, who are still actively launching attacks in the border area.

Huge portions of the Mayo Limani bridge collapsed in August 2015 during battles between the Cameroonian military and Boko Haram militants. Cameroon said it lost several troops and that dozens of militants were killed in several weeks of fighting.

Cameroon spent an estimated $3 million to rebuild the span that same year, but Boko Haram militants chased construction workers away, forcing officials to stop pedestrians from crossing the bridge which is also a gateway to Nigeria for goods from Chad.

Construction work on the bridge fully began in 2018 under the protection of troops of the Multinational Joint Task Force of the Lake Chad Basin Commission, or MNJTF. The force has troops from Nigeria, Niger, Cameroon and Chad. The government announced on Friday that construction work is complete and that the MNJTF will continue to protect the bridge.

Djoumessi said that Cameroonian President Paul Biya wants all infrastructure destroyed in battles with Boko Haram to be rebuilt. He said by constructing roads and bridges, commercial exchanges among Cameroon, Chad and Nigeria will improve, economic growth will be boosted and the well-being of civilians who have been living in abject poverty because of Boko Haram terrorism will be improved.

In Ubuntu 12.10 it is not possible to use bridged networking with the network manager on the same network interface. The device used for bridging must be set to manual in /etc/network/interfaces which excludes it from network manager. For setting up a bridge, follow the instructions of the Ubuntu community help. What works is to have eth0 bridget and e.g. wlan0 managed by network manager. So it is possible to connect to wifi networks conveniently. Unfortunately this does not work for OpenVPN connections. Hence one will have to start them manually with sudo openvpn /etc/openvpn/client.confm given that the client configuration file is created. But there is seems to be help, people from the Fedora project are working to implement bridged networking into the Network manager. It is expected to Fedora 20.

The Baltimore & Ohio (B & O) railroad bridge was once a majestic wood covered bridge that spanned the Potomac River and carried train traffic on the B & O Railroad for 23 years prior to the outbreak of the Civil War. In 1859, John Brown, a staunch abolitionist, launched a raid across this bridge to capture the United States Armory and start a war to end slavery. Brown failed at his attempt but made a major impact on the Harpers Ferry area. With the secession of Virginia in April, 1861, the bridge became a tenuous connector between the Confederacy and the Union. The bridge was over an important border, the Potomac River, and constantly had to worry about attacks from both sides of the war. During four years of Civil War, the bridge would be built and destroyed nine times - four times by war, five times by floods.

On June 14, 1861, as the Confederates were leaving Harpers Ferry, Brig. Gen. Joseph Johnston ordered the burning of all bridges on the Potomac under Southern control. The bridges that were destroyed were Point of Rocks, Shepherdstown, and Berlin. The Berlin Bridge is called Brunswick today. The Harpers Ferry region was a dangerous border area for the next eight months, disallowing rebuilding of the bridge. When the Union army occupied Harpers Ferry in February of 1862 and B & O bridge builders accompanied them. A new iron trestle was completed atop the original piers in less than three weeks, which allowed for supplies to be sent to the Union forces in Harpers Ferry and further south.

The Confederates regained Harpers Ferry on September 15, 1862 but just a few days later they would abandon that post. On September 18, 1862, the bridge was destroyed for a second time by Confederates when they left Harpers Ferry due to the outcome of the Battle of Antietam in Shepherdstown. B & O bridge builders returned with the Union army a few weeks later and had the bridge operational once again by early October.

The third time the bridge was destroyed was during the Gettysburg Campaign in 1863. This time, the retreating Union forces had destroyed the bridge to ensure the Confederates could not use it to support their invasion into the North. Union forces would reoccupy Harpers Ferry during the third week of July of 1863, following the Confederate retreat from Gettysburg. Once the Confederates had retreated, the B & O bridge builders arrived to rebuild the bridge.

The fourth and final time the bridge was destroyed occurred during the final invasion of the North in July of 1864. Once Confederate Jubal Early's forces withdrew from Maryland by mid-July, the B & O railroad rebuilt the bridge once more. In the fall of 1864, the Union used the bridge to transport an immense amount of supplies across the Potomac and into the armory depot for use by Philip Sheridan's army during its Valley Campaign. The Valley Campaign conquered the Confederate army in the Shenandoah Valley and the B & O Railroad was the artery of life for Sheridan's army.

While there has been a lot of attention to the dangers of transporting battery-powered vehicles and lithium-ion batteries and devices as cargo, the National Transportation Safety Board is now warning crews about the dangers of unsupervised charging of lithium-ion batteries. The NTSB working with the U.S. Coast Guard and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) determined that a fire that destroyed the bridge of a tanker docked in Louisiana last year was caused by a lithium-ion battery-powered radio that exploded while charging on an unattended bridge.

The investigation narrowed the case of the fire aboard the oil tanker S Trust (106,000 dwt) to the batteries and specifically the batteries for a handheld radio that had been left in a charger. Docked at the Genesis Port Allen Terminal, the vessel was offloading and the bridge was unattended when the fire began. By the time the captain became aware of the fire, it had already spread and ultimately destroyed the navigation, communication, and alarm systems. They estimate the damage at $3 million.

The S Trust, registered in Liberia and with a crew of 23, docked at the terminal on November 11, 2022, and was offloading high-sulfur fuel oil. At about 1530 on November 13, the master of the vessel working in his office one deck below the bridge noticed that the closed-circuit camera feed from the bridge was not showing and went to investigate. It was only then that they discovered a fire on the bridge. The report notes that as a control station, SOLAS does not require the bridge to have fire or smoke detectors.

The master recounted to the investigators that he believed the fire was coming from the communications table but the smoke was too thick for him to enter the bridge. He ordered the fuel operations suspended and electric power turned off to the bridge. Fire crews fought the fire from both bridge wings and at 1550 the fire was declared out. No one was injured and the damage was contained to the bridge.

The investigators reviewed video footage from the bridge and determined at 1527 there was an orange flash followed by smoke coming from the communications table. The smoke quickly increased and two minutes later there was a second orange flash and an object flew from the area landing on the deck and continuing to burn. By 1536, nine minutes after the first flash, ash and the heat from the fire prevented further images from the camera on the bridge. 006ab0faaa

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