All PPD files of this driver entry are available in the PostScript Printer Application Under this entry Toshiba's PPD files for their PostScript printers are hosted. PostScript printers are supported natively in Linux and Unix environments, so you only need the PPD file for your printer, no driver executables, to get access to all printing functionality. The PPD contains all information about properties and user-settable options which are specific to the printer and makes printing dialogs show these options and allow the user to control all the printer's functionality. Note that PPDs only support the printing functionality of the printers, not things like scanning or faxing. These printers also work, like all other PostScript printers, with generic PostScript PPD files, but then you will not get access to all the printer specific functionality. 

Select Device type: TCP/IP Device enter the Hostname or IP address and uncheck Query the printer and automatically select the driver to use and hit Next.

Download Driver Toshiba Universal Printer 2

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but in event log I see loads "MetaFrameEvents" as Client printer auto-creation failed. The driver could not be installed. Possible reasons for the failure: The driver is not in the list of drivers on the server. The driver cannot be located. The driver has not been mapped. The driver is a V4 driver. Client name: (XX_HOME_DT) Printer: (Canon LBP6650/3470 (UFR II)

You will get those errors as the it's trying to locate the correct native driver for the printer. As it fails to find the native driver it throws the warning but it uses the universal driver as specified in your policy Universal print driver usage = use universal printing only if requested driver is unavailable. This is the expected behaviour. Mine is configured the same:

I recommend to customers sticking with the Citrix universal driver where possible. If people are simply printing then the universal driver will be fine in most situations. Only exception I make to this is with multifunction printers, think stapling and the like, and plotters used for technical drawings. In these cases I will generally install the native driver to maximise user experience or, if possible, the supported generic driver from the manufactures website that still gives all the needed functionality.

That's normally one of the installed printer drivers crashing the Citrix Print Manager service when it tries to create the printer. Ideally you need to find which it is and remove it from the server. 006ab0faaa

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