PS. I just use CCleaner registry cleaner at least twice for an instance where I cannot navigate the startup items on the registry to fully remove them on the startup items from the task manager. I know that the cleaning registry does not have the capability to improve system performance.

Remember, a registry cleaner program is not a regular PC maintenance tool. Registry cleaners don't typically speed up your computer or provide any other day-to-day improvements to your PC. Registry cleaners should only be used to help solve specific kinds of problems.

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Malwarebytes keep finding that my Wise Registry Cleaner program is a non-malware threat. It finds alot of reg entries and foldes and files. I use Wise Registry Cleaner for a number of tasks (registry cleaning is far from the only thing the program does). Anyway, I couldnt figure out how to allow everything Wise Registry Cleaner related, only folders and files, but that wont prevent Malwarebytes finding reg entries a threat. Its just annoying to see Malwarebytes mentioning every single day that it has found threaths. It has reached a point that I dont even check what has been found because I just assume it is still just Wise Registry Cleaner (as it have been the previous 50 days or how long it has been since it began finding it). So when an actual threat does come one day I most likely wont notice.... So how can I completely allow Wise Registry Cleaner?

I recently downloaded and reinstalled Wise Disk Cleaner and Wise registry Cleaner. I have used these programs for a long time with no problems. MWB started flagging this program some time ago and, like many, I told MWB to ignore it. But with this recent reinstall of the programs I began to see some problems and things I do not like.

Second, Wise registry cleaner gets more suspicious with all the pups and weird entries in my registry. When I reinstalled it I told MWB to ignore it this time also. But unlike in the past - it creates more and more crap for no apparent reason in my registry. It worked fine for 2 days and then - wham - MWB finds 89 entries from Wise Registry Cleaner - complete with PUPS and all kinds of other things. To me - this is a flag something is going on with this program that is not on the up and up.

Registry cleaners are not supported by Microsoft, but vendors of registry cleaners claim that they are useful to repair inconsistencies arising from manual changes to applications, especially COM-based programs.

Due to the sheer size and complexity of the Registry database, manually cleaning up redundant and invalid entries may be impractical, so Registry cleaners try to automate the process of looking for invalid entries, missing file references or broken links within the Registry and resolving or removing them.

Some Registry cleaners make no distinction as to the severity of the errors, and many that do may erroneously categorize errors as "critical" with little basis to support it.[2] Removing or changing certain Registry data can prevent the system from starting, or cause application errors and crashes.

It is not always possible for a third-party program to know whether any particular key is invalid or redundant. A poorly designed Registry cleaner may not be equipped to know for sure whether a key is still being used by Windows or what detrimental effects removing it may have. This may lead to loss of functionality and/or system instability,[3][4][5] as well as application compatibility updates from Microsoft to block problematic Registry cleaners.[6] The Windows Installer CleanUp Utility was a Microsoft-supported utility for addressing Windows Installer related issues.[7][8]

Registry cleaners have been used as a vehicle by a number of trojan applications to install malware, typically through social engineering attacks that use website pop-up ads or free downloads that falsely report problems that can be "rectified" by purchasing or downloading a Registry cleaner.[9] The worst of the breed are products that advertise and encourage a "free" Registry scan; however, the user typically finds the product has to be purchased for a substantial sum, before it will effect any of the anticipated "repairs". The rogue security software "WinFixer" including Registry cleaners has been ranked as one of the most prevalent pieces of malware currently in circulation.[10]

Rogue Registry cleaners are often marketed with alarmist advertisements that falsely claim to have pre-analyzed your PC, displaying bogus warnings to take "corrective" action; hence the descriptive label "scareware". In October 2008, Microsoft and the Washington attorney general filed a lawsuit against two Texas firms, Branch Software and Alpha Red, producers of the "Registry Cleaner XP" scareware.[11] The lawsuit alleges that the company sent incessant pop-ups resembling system warnings to consumers' personal computers stating "CRITICAL ERROR MESSAGE! - REGISTRY DAMAGED AND CORRUPTED", before instructing users to visit a web site to download Registry Cleaner XP at a cost of $39.95.

Most Registry cleaners cannot repair scenarios such as undeletable Registry keys caused by embedded null characters in their names; only specialized tools such as the RegDelNull utility (part of the free Sysinternals software) are able to do this.[16]

Registry cleaners are likewise not designed for malware removal, although minor side-effects can be repaired, such as a turned-off System Restore. However, in complex scenarios where malware such as spyware, adware, and viruses are involved, the removal of system-critical files may result.[17]

A Registry cleaner is of no use for cleaning Registry entries associated with a virtualised application since all Registry entries in this scenario are written to an application-specific virtual Registry instead of the real one.[18] Complications of detailed interactions of real-mode with virtual also leaves the potential for incorrect removal of shortcuts and Registry entries that point to "disappeared" files, and consequent confusion by the user of cleaner products. There is little competent information about this specific interaction, and no integration. In general, even if Registry cleaners could be arguably considered safe in a normal end-user environment, they should be avoided in an application virtualization environment.

This article describes the Microsoft support policy for customers who use registry cleaning utilities that rely on unsupported methods to extract or modify the contents of a Windows Registry.

The Windows registry is a database of settings for all hardware, software, and user preferences on your computer that controls how Windows interacts with your hardware and applications. Windows continually references the registry in the background and it is not designed to be accessed or edited. 

Some products such as registry cleaning utilities suggest that the registry needs regular maintenance or cleaning. However, serious issues can occur when you modify the registry incorrectly using these types of utilities. These issues might require users to reinstall the operating system due to instability. Microsoft cannot guarantee that these problems can be solved without a reinstallation of the Operating System as the extent of the changes made by registry cleaning utilities varies from application to application. 

A damaged Windows registry can exhibit a range of symptoms including excessive CPU utilization, longer startup and shutdown times, poor application functionality or random crashes or hangs. These random crashes and hangs can ultimately lead to data loss due to the systems inability to save data back to the storage location during the occurrence.

Microsoft does not support the use of registry cleaners. Some programs available for free on the internet might contain spyware, adware, or viruses. If you decide to install a registry cleaning utility, be sure to research the product and only download and install programs from publishers that you trust. For more information, see when to trust a software publisher.

Microsoft is not responsible for issues caused by using a registry cleaning utility. We strongly recommend that you only change values in the registry that you understand or have been instructed to change by a source you trust, and that you back up the registry before making any changes.

Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the use of a registry cleaning utility can be solved. Issues caused by these utilities may not be repairable and lost data may not be recoverable.

Before you modify the registry, make sure you back it up, create a restore point, and make sure that you understand how to restore the registry if a problem occurs. For information about how to back up the Windows registry, see the following article for your version of Windows:

For Windows 10:

For additional information on the Windows registry, see Windows registry information for advanced users.

Microsoft makes no warranty, implied or otherwise, about the performance or reliability of third-party registry cleaning utilities.

Recently I ran the registry cleaner and everything was fine until I restarted my computer. The start up was extremely slow and when it finally opened the desktop all hell broke loose. It took about 10 whole minutes for all the icons on my computer to load. When I tried to click on anything like a folder or browser, it wouldn't open. The start menu also didn't open, nor the search bar or settings. After a couple of minutes a window pops up saying "Microsoft windows is not responding" and asks me to either end it or cancel. Whichever I click never made any difference because it still wouldn't respond. I tried restarting the computer a couple of times but every I time I did the same would happen. I tried looking up my problem online but I couldn't find anything similar. All the solutions always say to do something in the command prompt or the settings but I can't access neither. The only thing I can access is the advanced start up repair after turning my computer on and off three times. I did the start up repair and waited 19 hours for it finish. The repair didn't do anything, everything was still the same. I also came across a solution with completely reinstalling windows with it's usb but I don't have it. ff782bc1db dns

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