But as it is the runing gag with backend devs, the hardest part for me is coming up with a non dreadful style for my apps. So I've been leaning heavy on the component library flowbite-react. I really love tailwind and this library seems to have components for all the annoying little things where you'd usually have to make your own component like Dropdowns etc.

Now I've been given the opportunity to create a new small frontend app in my workplace. It will basically show some CRUD Data and have some basic batch-management functionality and I'm thinking of proposing flowbite-react as a component library.Has any of you guys had any experience with it? Do you think it's mature enough for production stuff since it's not yet at version 1.0?

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If flowbite supports web components (which seems like it would be a perfect fit for what you are trying to do), you might want to check out live_elements. It would offer you an easy path to LiveView integration.

You'd want to install flowbite not globally, but locally to the project. This is so that the require() in tailwind.config.js can find the package in the location it expects, node_modules. Thus, consider running in the root of the project: e24fc04721

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