Waits a given number of milliseconds (of uptimeMillis) before returning. Similar to sleep(long), but does not throw InterruptedException; interrupt() events are deferred until the next interruptible operation. Does not return until at least the specified number of milliseconds has elapsed.

You probably don't want to do it that way. By putting an explicit sleep() in your button-clicked event handler, you would actually lock up the whole UI for a second. One alternative is to use some sort of single-shot Timer. Create a TimerTask to change the background color back to the default color, and schedule it on the Timer.

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Without this integration, there is no point in getting a Wyze. Considering covid is affecting everyone, make sure your next creation has pulse-ox. This is the only way to know if sleep apnea, covid distress and ongoing monitoring.

I totally understand this. I love Wyze. I have almost all the Wyze products and subscriptions except a few things like the Wyze Watch/Band. This incompatibility with Sleep as Android is the only thing keeping me from buying a Wyze Watch. Integration with Sleep as Android is non-negotiable for me. This program is the best out there for sleep tracking, and critical to my sanity.

Either way, I am still very supportive of this wishlist item for Sleep As Android compatibility, or simply releasing a public API for the watch so the sleep as android dev can just do it themselves. I would be very excited to be able to use a Wyze watch 24/7 finally.

On my Galaxy S8, switching frequency from F18-20 to F20 (or any other static frequency) solves the sound recording and snore detection, but I cannot get any good sensitivity this way (the records show more than 95% deep sleep, this is not right).

First question: Why would you want to delete the important statistics on how long it took you to fall asleep? It does count in your efficiency score, as far as I can tell. And every without that, you get information on the usual amount of time it takes you to plunge into sleep.

Hi Robin, actually my question was how to edit the falling asleep period time on the graph so that the app knows I was awake and not asleep. Initially, after the set tracking delay (for me 10 mins) app was starting to track and treated data as me being asleep. This is why I needed to manually set part of the data as awake. There was no such an option and I was only able to delete (using scissors) data so that at least the duration of the sleep is correct. Few days after my question I noticed that scissors changed the way it works and I was able to delete data or set it as awake, as I needed. Overall, problem solved.

I've been experiencing the same issue since the last Android update (9) on my Samsung Galaxy S8. I've browsed around the settings and tried a bunch of stuff and it seems like I have found the issue that was going on in my case. When I go to the battery usage option under device maintenance and selected the app usage of Spotify, the following was toggled on: "app in sleep mode" which causes Spotify to be disabled when the phone enters sleep mode. (I roughly translated it, my menu isn't in English). So far my music hasn't stopped playing. I hope this also solves the issue in your case.

Allows you to track sleep (send motion and HR data to Sleep as Android) and supports vibration on alarms, anti-snoring and lucid dreaming cues. CAUTION: Alarms only work if you are sleep tracking using the watch.To use, make sure to install in this order:- Sleep as Android (https:\/\/play.google.com\/store\/apps\/details?id=com.urbandroid.sleep)- Sleep as Android - Garmin Addon (https:\/\/play.google.com\/store\/apps\/details?id=com.urbandroid.sleep.garmin)- Sleep watch starter for Sleep as Android (https:\/\/play.google.com\/store\/apps\/details?id=com.urbandroid.watchsleepstarter)- this watch appIMPORTANT: Make sure to whitelist Garmin Connect Mobile app from any battery savers!Features:- actigraphy with awake detection- heart rate measurement (make sure to enable it in Sleep as Android - Settings - Wearables - [Heart rate measurement] Android Wear, Garmin, Pebble- alarms- lucid dreaming cues"; var appDescriptionMoreLabel = "More"; Companion app for Sleep as Android.Allows you to track sleep (send motion and HR data to Sleep as Android) and supports vibration on alarms, anti-snoring and lucid dreaming cues. CAUTION: Alarms only work if you are sleep tracking using the watch.To use, make sure to install in this order:- Sleep as Android ( =com.urbandroid.sleep)

Been using Sleep as Android for many many years, very happy with the sleep phaser aswell. But this companion app doesn't work with the new Forerunner 255 I got for Xmas.As others have said, nothing happens when starting the tracking from the phone, and if you then try to open the app on the watch you are stuck with the screen that says "connecting to phone..."Really hope there will be a fix out soon!

Moreover, Sleep as Android has it advantages.

When I start to track my sleep using phone/smart watch, I can schedule my sleep light to off 20 min after I fall asleep.

As for Xiaomi and Yeelight ecosystem, only Xiaomi Miband and Yeelight bedside lamp have this function.

When I wake up at night, to go to toilet, sleep tracking will be paused, thus it will automatically turn on the lights and off later when i fall asleep. With this app, all Yeelight product can have this function as it has tasker integration.

Currently, Sleep as Android only support Hue light but it seems that the developer has just started to work on it for Yeelight.

Currently the Fitbit app is not compatible with Sleep as Android because it lacks the certain open "APIs". If fitbit could make all of the data available to other apps it would be fantastic! I love using sleep as android and the heart rate data (from my Charge HR) would be useful for my sleep analysis as well as the other sensor data.

Sleep as Android has an awesome feature to track your sleep phases and wake you up just at the right moment to feel rested: you just place your smartphone on the mattress, near your body, and it track your movements to guess what's the sleep phase you are in.

Unfurtunately my bed mattress is one of those that doesn't work well with sleep phase recognition, for this kind of things Sleep As Android suggest using Smart Watches or wear devices to track sleep.

It is really a shame you do not expose an API to them (or anyone else).

Sleep as Android has A LOT of features useful for tracking sleep, to name a few:

Your app doesn't even get close to that, but that's ok: you could give me an awesome service just by allowing them to integrate your products, you do not need to make sleep tracking recognition your main objective, and honestly you shouldn't.

I also am an avid user of Sleep As Android App, and have used and continue to use many of the features in the app, but since i'm Married and sleep with the wife, accuracy on the sleep app using just the phone next to you is lacking. Wearables are the wave of future for this sort of tracking, and the fitbit app just doesn't have everything i'd like it to have for sleep tracking. Rather than re-invent the wheel I agree it would make sense to let Sleep as Android tackle what they are good at and enhance the sleep tracking abilities of what fitbit already can offer, simply by being an augment for the wearable itself. Provide an API to allow the wearable to record and track what it is capable of providing with its various sensors and allow for sleep as android to use an API to work with the sensors to effectively get the data it needs to track sleep. I have software development training and realize an API if not already built is likely a large undertaking, but this could be expanded for use with other integrations as well, so it would be worth the hours spent I'd guess. If an API already exists, it might be just working with Sleep As Android's developer to get them the API info needed and work out an agreement to support each other.

Please build the integration ASAP or basically the product doesn't solve an issue which is tracking sleep within the environment of Sleep as Android, among the most popular sleeping tracking apps (more than 10M users).

Please add this integration. Your sleep tracking app is unfortuantly lacking and opening up third part integration with sleep as android would make the purchase of a fitbit the best decision I've ever made! It would suck to have to buy a different product down the road just to use something they support and you do not. Thank you!

Please add integration for this app! Several of your competitors allow it and it would be a shame to have to go to a different device as this is the most widely used sleep tracking software that I know of. Otherwise I love the fit bit flex 2! Thank you! e24fc04721

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