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I love learning and am always up for a good challenge. In mid-March, when the DC stay home order commenced, I developed my skills and learning strategic plan to implement during this period beyond leading work for my company, King Consults.

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Boosting my cooking skills was my first goal for personal learning along with flower arranging and photography from my strategic plan. I commenced my cooking journey right away and using my love of theater as a theme have chronicled my kitchen adventures using an Act/Scene moniker along with photos of my cooking creations.

I love to travel and have had the opportunity to spend time in many countries around the world including recent trips to Greece, Italy, Israel, Japan, France, Spain, Cyprus, Ireland, Scotland, Poland and India for both work and personal adventures. My cooking journey has provided opportunities to use spices such as turmeric and zaatar that I bought on recent trips plus Tuscan olive oil and further, I have had the chance to use new bowls and dishes from Japan and India. Every time I use one of these products or eat from these plates/bowls, images and memories from these trips come back to mind. Plus, I am even more eager to travel as my spices and oil stock are running low. Additionally, I will need more bowls and plates for dinner parties!

As we all know, it is a busy quarantine life leading a small business, King Consults during the workday, so it is hard to listen to the amazing podcasts and webinars being produced by organizations, companies, and people. As a result, I make a digital list and listen daily to a podcast/webinar while I cook in the evening. It has been a fun and engaging way to learn more insight about issues that are important to me. 

After over 8 weeks, my cooking journey continues with new lessons and I am excited every evening to start a new recipe! Cooking is a new passion for me and will continue to be a prominent part of my life even when the social distancing protocols change. My kitchen has become an additional new happy place in my home and provided new lessons, opportunities, and challenges which I have embraced!

When I first heard we needed to pick an activity for our learning project, my mind instantly went to cooking. I have a very limited knowledge about how to cook and am looking to expand and improve on what I know about making/preparing meals. As someone who recently graduated high school, this is an important skill for me to expand upon in order to become more self sufficient. I am someone who is very active and conscious about the amount of calories I am consuming. This means that I am limited in what types of foods I eat. So the more healthy and tasty foods I can learn how to cook, the better! I am currently not the best cook by any means, so I am eager to begin this journey and improve.

I plan to start out with easier meals, such as tacos, and then progress to more difficult ones throughout the class. I plan to use my moms cookbooks and recipes, along with recipes found off of the internet. Having access to a variety of recipes will give me a guide to what I am doing and allow me to plan for what ingredients I need. I have decided to take pictures with each meal I make for my blog, showing how my food turned out. I decided to try a practice meal and made tacos for supper!

At Vegan Bowls we truly believe eating more plants is the healthiest way. We love knowing that we are not alone in sharing this value. Often becoming plant-based happens over time, through research, curiosity and a desire to feel abundantly well and vibrant. Our dear friend @cookingforpeanuts shares with us her story, from a nutritionist & dietician lens.

But plain vegetables would never go down well with three young kids. And so, I experimented to find an in-between. This is how I came to create recipes that make plants taste delicious enough where you can enjoy them and at the same time consume a healthful meal. Plus, with three kids to raise (and all their laundry), my recipes also had to be practical, easy, and affordable.

As my senior year of high school was coming to an end, I decided that I wanted to start my culinary career path in the Army. After school, I shipped out to basic training then went through Advanced Individual Training (AIT) to learn to cook. After my training, I was assigned to be a cook in 3-187 Infantry Battalion at Ft. Campbell for a few months before deploying to Afghanistan. I cooked out on a couple different combat outposts, which was on average around 100 people and I really enjoyed it. Unfortunately towards the end of the deployment, I started to get a lot of back pains. Once I arrived back in the states, I had some tests done and discovered I had fractured and dislocated my lower vertebrae, forcing me to be medically discharged.

I was a baker for the last few months in the Army and realized it was physically easier on my body than being a line cook. I moved up to Washington to pursue a career in the baking industry and got an AAS in Baking and Patisserie. Shortly after finishing school, I got my first job in the baking industry.

Creativity: In cooking and in coding, you will need to be somewhat creative. Yes you could just follow a recipe or copy a site, but in order to create new things, some creativity is required.

Having an Open Mindset: You will never know everything about cooking or coding, so having an open mindset and seeing what others have to suggest is important in order to grow and possibly make your product better.

Basic Concepts: Both cooking and coding have some basic concepts that are important to understand in order to have a foundation to build off of. Some basic skills for cooking would be knowing your knives and cuts, making a bechamel sauce, knowing the different ways to cook and more. Some basic coding skills would be knowing how to set up an HTML page, navigating through your editor and the console, how to troubleshoot, and more.

Types: There are several different avenues you can take in cooking and in coding so to start off in any industry, you need to pick one and grow from there. For example, in the culinary industry you can be a baker, a line cook, a pizza maker, a chocolatier, and more. For coding, it is more along the lines of different languages, such as JavaScript, Python, Ruby, C#, and more.

I am excited to announce that my new book Meals on the Move: A Campsite Cooking Journey is being released on 12 September 2023 and is available to buy now! You can order it from my shop shop for a 10% discount (and free shipping). It is also available at Alan Rogers, Amazon, Waterstones, and Darling Reads bookshop in Horbury.

The book also includes diary entries for each day of the journey, describing the fun, the stunning scenery, and the highs and lows of the tour. Through this book I hope to give insights and inspiration for both seasoned campsite users and those taking to the road for the first time.

Morning Jamie

When are you going? We are off again, just to France this time all of June.

I would say stay longer in each site than we did, I did rush the trip a bit.We have bought electric bikes this time so we can get about off site more.

Swimming caps are compulsory in many Italian sites,as you will read in the book ( thank you btw) if you could drop an Amazon review that will be massively appreciated.

There are lots of cooking tips in the book but please do contact me with any questions or feedback please



The activity of cooking has changed me. I can see its benefits, not only for my physical health but also for my mental and emotional health. Cooking makes me both rational and extremely relaxed. It leaves me at peace with myself. Cooking is a form of self-appreciation and self-education.

As an affectionate fan of Gossip Girl, I've always admired how Blair Waldorf would host her friends at numerous fancy parties. For this reason, I tried to do so during my high school years back home. Of course, my budget and the number of people in attendance were all less, but I still managed to host several afternoon teas and brunches at my place.

Usually, my mom was there assisting me with cooking. I would help a little but cooking wasn't really my thing yet. I felt bored and rather useless in the kitchen. Then something changed when I moved to college.

Being far from home and my culture really changed me. When I was a first-year student at Hofstra University, I was so curious about American culture, lifestyle, and its diverse culinary traits, being from Italy. In just one year, I had the chance to try many different dishes, snacks, and beverages from all around the world.

Having an Italian background, it is assumed most of the time that you know how to cook. When I went back home for the summer holidays I visited several cities, including Naples and Vicoforte. On these trips, I met people who taught me many new culinary tips, skills, and facts.

When I came back to New York and began my sophomore year, a sentiment arose in my heart and I started to think that I should give cooking a try. I wanted to master in something that people could look up to me for. That's when I realized that it was time to learn how to cook.

At the start of the school year, I applied for the lowest meal plan so that I could be more motivated to cook. My roommates and I then agreed on renting a microwave and a mini-fridge for the year. My first challenge was learning how to set up a routine when it came to meal prep.

Being a busy college student, finding time to cook was always my biggest challenge. Not only did I have to find time to go to the grocery store, but I also had to make several meals for the week ahead in just one sitting. My meal prepping several meals in advance, I was able to save time later on. 152ee80cbc

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