Following sold-out engagements throughout South Africa, LCT produced the American premiere of NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH at the Newhouse. Written by John Kani and directed by Janice Honeyman, NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH is an exploration of the strained and complex relationship between those blacks who remained in South Africa to lead the struggle against apartheid and those who returned victoriously to South Africa after living in exile.

When the play had its premiere in July 2002 at the National Arts Festival in South Africa, it was hailed by critics as one of the most significant theatrical works of the post-apartheid era and was embraced by audiences rocked by the play's blend of intimacy, honesty and command.

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In New Brighton, South Africa, 63-year-old Sipho Makhaya, Assistant Chief Librarian at the Port Elizabeth Public Library, has watched his life of dashed hopes slip by. Initially interested in becoming a lawyer after finishing high school, Sipho instead felt obligated to help pay for his younger brother, Themba, to attend university. Sipho's anger and resentment toward Themba, brewing since childhood, comes to a head when Themba dies while in exile in London after gaining a reputation as a hero of the struggle against apartheid.

As NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH begins, Sipho and his daughter Tando are preparing for the arrival of Themba's daughter, Mandisa, as she travels for the first time from England to South Africa with her father's body for burial. At the same time, Sipho is waiting to learn whether he will be appointed to the position of Chief Librarian, a promotion that has been his life-long dream.

Sipho's daughter and niece inundate him with questions about people he has refused to talk about for decades: Sipho's brother, whom he never saw or spoke to after he went into exile; Sipho's wife, who left Sipho and Thando almost thirty years ago; and Sipho's son, who was killed during the student uprisings. Provoked by Mandisa's and Tando's relentless curiosity, Sipho finally succumbs and decides to divulge to them his secrets, telling them the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Themba Makhaya John Kani's Nothing But the Truth was not a good politician, for by telling people only what they wanted to hear, he failed to exhibit the qualities of honesty, integrity, and compassion. He also failed to behave appropriately in all situations (since he would have often told lies) and to use his intelligence properly.

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We must first mention honesty. A good politician knows and speaks the truth.Second, a good politician possesses integrity, the commitment to act accordingto the truth and one's values (which remain consistent). Third, a goodpolitician is compassionate. He or she strives to understand the conditions,ideas, and values of constituents. Fourth, a good politician is confident andoutgoing, certain that he or she will be able to meet the challenges and behaveappropriately in any situation. Fifth, a good politician is intelligent andflexible. He or she has a strong mind and can quickly adapt to what is neededin various circumstances.

So let's see how Themba Makhaya in John Kani's play Nothing But theTruth measures up, especially considering how this character always saidwhat people wanted to hear. We are well aware that what people want to hear andwhat is true are often two different things. The truth is not easy to takesometimes, so Themba gave people a message they would be more likely to accept,whether it was true or not. So Themba fails in both honesty and integrity.

Some might try to argue that by telling the people what they wanted to hear,Thema was being compassionate, but this isn't true. Real compassion meansspeaking the truth and then helping people accept and embrace the truth, for itis better to know even difficult truths then to live lies. So Themba failed atcompassion, too.

Themba probably was very confident and outgoing. Perhaps he could even meetthe challenges he faced. However, saying only what people want to hear ratherthan the truth is far from behaving appropriately, so Themba failed onceagain.

Finally, Themba was likely quite intelligent, and his ability to determinewhat people wanted to hear suggests flexibility. Yet he failed to use hisintelligence and flexibility in support of honesty, integrity, andcompassion.

Troolin, Amy. "In John Kani's Nothing But the Truth, does Themba's habit of saying what people want to hear make him a good politician?" edited by eNotes Editorial, 8 Nov. 2020, -john-kani-s-nothing-but-the-truth-themba-2520738. 152ee80cbc

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