As a Microsoft 365 admin, the Reports dashboard shows you the activity overview across various products in your organization. It enables you to drill in to get more granular insight about the activities specific to each product. Check out the activity reports in the Microsoft 365 admin center.

For example, you can understand the activity of every user licensed to use SharePoint by looking at their interaction with files. It also helps you to understand the level of collaboration going on by looking at the number of files shared.

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You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the Export link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis.

The SharePoint activity report can be viewed for trends over the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days. However, if you select a particular day in the report, the table will show data for up to 28 days from the current date (not the date the report was generated).

SharePoint keeps track of changes and updates of files in your library. You can see the changes that were made (created, edited, deleted) and when (18 hours ago, yesterday, last week). You can view only activity on individual files and documents, or your whole library. Activity is available for the last 60 days.

This web part automatically shows recent activity on your site, such as files uploaded, edits made, lists and libraries created, and so on. Just add the web part, and the latest activity is pulled in automatically.

As a workaround, hiding your document library from search results will also block recent activity from it to show up in the SharePoint home page. However, doing this means that your document library files also won't show up in search results.

To do this, you may go to your Document Library Settings where your file resides > Advanced Settings > Allow items from this document library to appear in search results?

Bit late to the show (well over a year!) but hopefully will help anyone who comes across this as I just did on Google! I had the problem when I copied and pasted activities in a SharePoint 2010 workflow using SPD designer 2013. My solution was to simply cut and paste the entire workflow into the same window and it all worked!!

I believe that this problem is due to using Copy/Paste in the text-based workflow designer. I wanted to create a workflow that repeated the same action four times, seemed like creating the action once, copying it, and pasting it would be a slam dunk.

what I have noticed is that Workflow Copy/Paste is selective - never use it to copy logic constructs [for example, IF statements] as this will result in the above type of error. The only actions I have been able to copy successfully, multiple times, are Update and Log statements. The rest I'm forced to recreate manually. Alex

I was receiving the similar errors and I didn't want to recreate the workflow from scratch. These steps worked for me. It clears the cache so whenever you reopen SharePoint Designer, you have to re-add your website.

It is also due to two people using the same workflow and a person with an old version publishes. I had the issue where someone would publish a workflow and I would go back to it and see nothing, make the correction that the other person did and publish it again, giving the same error.

Also, be aware that Designer needs a lot of ram and a fair internet speed. So if two people are working on it and one has less ram, most of the time the person with less ram will see the updated workflow slower and more likely to error out.

Rather than using a SharePoint 2010 workflow for these kinds of things, use a 2013 workflow if your programming allows for it. I had a workflow that sent out the same email depending on which department selected was in the list. I was able to copy and paste the if/then statements and emails containing workflow lookups with no errors using the 2013 workflow. Happy SharePointing!

This almost ALWAYS happens when I copy/paste an email action that is emailing "Created By" Never when I email a variable or hard-coded address. You know it is going to happen when you copy and it takes a minute to retrieve the information from the server and then your new action has and ID### in the To line rather than "Created By." When you open the email the To line will be blank. Deleting the actions will not prevent the error on publish and the worst part is that this error crashes IIS for me so I cannot publish any workflow until I reset. It's very frustrating.

I searched for ID8985 and found it, a search ID8973 found no activity definition. So I looked at the activity for ID8985 and the activities around it and I was pretty sure what line in the workflow that activity corresponded to.

It was an email line (error was specifically setting the To field) I had copied. I deleted and recreated it. And still got the error. It was inside an if statement and seeing some people's comments above I tried creating a new if statement then cut and pasted the contents of the old if statement (including the email activity) into the new one.

I attempted a couple things to try to resolve. First I mapped the sharepoint document library to drive S:, then I ran my automation and the file successfully copied, however, the drive does not reconnect at startup even if the option is checked. Second, I mapped the drive using the connect to a website feature. The drive reconnects at startup, but TDP does not copy the file into the C:\Users[username]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts[folder name] folder even though the automation script completes successfully. When I drag and drop the file into this folder it works. Why would the automation script not copy the file when simple drag and drop works?

Hi - I was just able to export directly to a sharepoint library using the path that I constructed in my reply above. It seems like there is the ability within TDP to load files into sharepoint without using VBA.

Microsoft SharePoint offers features for collecting activity, which may prove useful for many reasons. Whether that reason is security auditing or fulfilling other compliance requirements, to make use of it, the tools must be turned on, and you need to know what you are looking for before running reports. The purpose of this blog is to show you what kind of activity monitoring solution is available for SharePoint monitoring, how to enable activity auditing, and how to make use of that information.

Use the following script to run activity auditing on a web-application basis. All children of the web application will have activity auditing enabled on it so long as they are set to inherit the permissions of the parent.

However, if you do not know what you are looking for, this raw stream of data will be very difficult to use effectively. As you can see from the screenshot above, in just a few minutes, there were over 38,000 activity events recorded in my small test environment. Accordingly, the best way to effectively use these logs is to invest in monitoring software that will analyze this data and provide meaningful reports.

Netwrix StealthAUDIT for SharePoint helps you secure and govern the data your users create and access in your SharePoint network. With just this one powerful solution, you establish and maintain least-privilege access, close gaps in your security infrastructure, monitor user activity, and more. Contact us today for a free trial and see for yourself how our products can help you control database access, spot threats and pass audits.

Yes. One option for monitoring your SharePoint environment is to use the free built-in audit log and viewer included with SharePoint. However, a third-party SharePoint monitoring tool makes it far easier to effectively track user actions, server performance and system availability.

With the native tools, you will need to enable auditing in the Site Collection settings and choose which actions, such as viewing, editing and deleting content, to monitor. Usage reports will give you an overview of how your sites and content are being used. Alternatively, you can use a third-party solution for monitoring SharePoint activity to get more actionable information and enhanced security and logging features.

Regular server monitoring is vital for ensuring SharePoint health. You can use the SharePoint Online Management Shell to get real-time performance status information. If you need more robust monitoring, consider a third-party tool such as Netwrix StealthAUDIT, which provides additional resources for monitoring the performance of your servers and remediating issues automatically.

Paul Culmsee is an app maker, business strategist, Microsoft MVP, and all up technology enthusiast who is always willing to share professional experiences, best practices, and fun app stories! Today I'd like to highlight one of his latest blogs which he entitled "How to make a PowerApps activity feed via SharePoint search". This 3-part series of blogs showcases how we can combine the rich features and services in Office 365, SharePoint, Azure, and PowerApps to create highly practical business applications for productivity and collaboration.

The app that Paul has built is delivering a feed of information from several different SharePoint lists, consolidating only relevant information for the consumer as an "activity log" or information gallery. In common business scenarios these feeds can be used to share news and announcements, manage project task assignments or completion, and can even be used to monitor eating patterns, or emotions in medical or fitness scenarios. This type of app is often appreciated in the collaboration space, as it helps users share and discover relevant information snippets. My favorite part is the clever use of search results (see more on Result Sources). I remember when we first started using the Content by Search webpart to configure our search results on SharePoint (that stuff was huge for us). Amazingly, I believe that was only 2 or 3 years ago (now well known as the "CBS" webpart)! Today, just imagining that level of precise relevance in search results as a source of app data really impressed all of us over here! 152ee80cbc

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