Browsers, such as Firefox, verify certificates through a hierarchy called a chain of trust. It defines a structure for browsers and other programs to verify certificate integrity. This diagram illustrates the chain of trust: It's a list of three certificates:

Let's define them: the root certificate belongs to the Certificate Authority(CA), which issues TLS certificates and the browser inherently trusts; the intermediate certificate acts as an intermediary between the root CA and the website; the server certificate belongs to the website administrator.

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Firefox will now open the about:certificate page with the certificate for the website you're on: The three tabs show, from left to right, the server certificate, the intermediate certificate, and the rootcertificate.

When you visit a website whose address starts with https and there is a problem with the TLScertificate, an error page will display. The "What do the security warning codes mean?" article describescommon certificate errors.

Firefox will inspect the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SystemCertificates registry location (corresponding to the API flag CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE) for CAs that are trusted to issue certificates for TLS web server authentication. Any such CAs will be imported and trusted by Firefox, although they may not appear in Firefox's certificate manager. Administration of these CAs should occur using built-in Windows tools or other third party utilities.

Some people create a new profile in Firefox, manually install the certificates they need, and then distribute the various db files (cert9.db, key4.db and secmod.db) into new profiles using this method. This is not the recommended approach, and this method only works for new profiles.

Certificates with lifetimes longer than 398 days delay responding to major incidents and upgrading to more secure technology. Certificate revocation is highly disruptive and difficult to plan for. Certificate expiration and renewal is the least disruptive way to replace an obsolete certificate, because it happens at a pre-scheduled time, whereas revocation suddenly causes a site to stop working. Certificates with lifetimes of no more than 398 days help mitigate the threat across the entire ecosystem when a major incident requires certificate or key replacements. Additionally, phasing out certificates with MD5-based signatures took five years, because TLS certificates were valid for up to five years. Phasing out certificates with SHA-1-based signatures took three years, because the maximum lifetime of TLS certificates was three years. Weakness in hash algorithms can lead to situations in which attackers can forge certificates, so users were at risk for years after collision attacks against these algorithms were proven feasible.

Keys valid for longer than one year have greater exposure to compromise, and a compromised key could enable an attacker to intercept secure communications and/or impersonate a website until the TLS certificate expires. A good security practice is to change key pairs frequently, which should happen when you obtain a new certificate. Thus, one-year certificates will lead to more frequent generation of new keys.

In preparation for updating our root store policy, we surveyed all of the certificate authorities (CAs) in our program and found that they all intend to limit TLS certificate validity periods to 398 days or less by September 1, 2020.

why would mozilla think this is a good idea? why cant an algorithm be implemented that would check for add-on security instead of sifting through each and every add-on themselves. seems a bit counterintuitive and it also seems like many people are annoyed

I also have experienced this issue across my work and personal machines with different versions. As of now, only my 64 bit firefox has its extensions. All of the 32 bit installs are extension-less now.

If you are choosing a CA to provide a certificate for your website, we have a list of all root certificates that Firefox trusts for SSL/TLS, together with contact information and geographical focus for the owning CA.

If you are embedding our root store, you need to know that we have imposed some restrictions on certain CAs or certificates which are not encoded in certdata.txt. These are documented on a best-efforts basis.

CCADB Data Usage Terms

This article provides step-by-step instructions for installing your PersonalSign certificate in Windows Mobile PDA. If this is not the solution you are looking for, please search for your solution in the search bar above.

This article provides step-by-step instructions for installing your certificate in Outlook 2007. If this is not the solution you are looking for, please search for your solution in the search bar above.

When distributing binary and source code versions of Firefox, Thunderbird, and other Mozilla-related software products, Mozilla includes with such software a set of X.509v3 root certificates from various Certification Authority (CA) operators. The included certificates have their "trust bits" set for various purposes, so that the software in question can use the CA certificates to anchor a chain of trust for certificates used by TLS servers and S/MIME email users without having to ask users for further permission or information.

This policy covers how the default set of certificates and associated trust bits is maintained for software products distributed by Mozilla. Other entities distributing software based on ours are free to adopt their own policies. In particular, under the terms of the relevant Mozilla license(s), distributors of such software are permitted to add or delete CA certificates and modify the values of the trust bits in the versions that they distribute. However, as with other software modifications, by making such changes a distributor may well affect its ability to use Mozilla trademarks in connection with its versions of the software. See the Mozilla trademark policy for more information.

intermediate certificates that have at least one valid, unrevoked chain up to such a CA certificate and that are technically capable of issuing working server or email certificates. Intermediate certificates that are not considered to be technically capable will contain either:

Mozilla has appointed a CA Certificate module owner and peers to evaluate new CA requests on our behalf and to make decisions regarding all matters relating to CA certificates included in our root store.

Further, Mozilla has appointed a Mozilla CA Certificate Policy module owner and peers to maintain this policy. The policy will only be changed after public consultation with the Mozilla community, in order to ensure that all views are taken into account. This policy MAY be updated periodically in accordance with the Process for Updating the Root Store Policy. CA operators MUST adhere to the current version of this policy. You can contact the Mozilla CA Certificate Policy module team at if you have questions about this policy.

CA operations relating to issuance of certificates capable of being used for TLS-enabled servers MUST conform to the latest version of the CA/Browser Forum Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and Management of Publicly-Trusted Certificates ("TLS Baseline Requirements"). Certificates issued on or after September 1, 2023, that are capable of being used to digitally sign or encrypt email messages, and CA operations relating to the issuance of such certificates, MUST conform to the latest version of the CA/Browser Forum Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and Management of Publicly-Trusted S/MIME Certificates ("S/MIME Baseline Requirements"). In the event of inconsistency between this policy's requirements and either the S/MIME or TLS Baseline Requirements, this policy's requirements take precedence. The following is a list of known places where this policy takes precedence over the S/MIME and TLS Baseline Requirements. If you find an inconsistency that is not listed here, notify Mozilla so the item can be considered for addition or clarification.

Insofar as the S/MIME or TLS Baseline Requirements attempt to define their own scope, the scope of this policy (section 1.1) overrides that. CA operations relating to issuance of all S/MIME or TLS server certificates in the scope of this policy SHALL conform to the S/MIME or TLS Baseline Requirements, as applicable.

Before being included and at least annually thereafter, CA operators MUST obtain certain audits for their root certificates and all intermediate certificates that are technically capable of issuing working server or email certificates. This section describes the requirements for those audits.

For the websites trust bit, a CA and all intermediate CAs technically capable of issuing server certificates MUST have one of the following audits, with at least one of the noted policies or sets of policies:

Audit reports that are being supplied to maintain a certificate within the Mozilla root store MUST be provided to Mozilla via the CCADB within three months of the point-in-time date or the end date of the period.

the publicly disclosed documentation MUST provide sufficient information for Mozilla to determine whether and how the CA operator complies with this policy, including a description of the steps taken by the CA to verify certificate requests;

or a set of equally permissive licensing terms accepted by Mozilla in writing. If no such license is indicated, the fact of application is considered as permission from the CA operator to allow Mozilla and the public to deal with these documents, and any later versions for root certificates that are included in Mozilla's root store, under CC-BY-ND 4.0;

CA operators SHALL maintain links to all historic versions of each CP and CPS (or CP/CPS) from the creation of included CA certificates, regardless of changes in ownership or control of such CA certificates, until the entire CA certificate hierarchies (i.e. end entity certificates, intermediate CA certificates, and cross-certificates) operated in accordance with such documents are no longer trusted by the Mozilla root store. For CA certificates that were included in Mozilla's root store before December 31, 2022, the CA Operator shall maintain links in their online repositories to all reasonably available historic versions of CPs and CPSes (or CP/CPSes) from creation of the included CA certificates. e24fc04721

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