As wars with Mandalore raged on, the Sith took the opportunity to attack the Republic with renewed strength. Using massive fleets built in secret at the planet Exegol, the returning Sith Empire conquered vast swathes of Republic space, including Coruscant. During this Dark Age, it seemed likely that the Republic would fall.

During the early republic, the Roman state grew exponentially in both size and power. Though the Gauls sacked and burned Rome in 390 B.C., the Romans rebounded under the leadership of the military hero Camillus, eventually gaining control of the entire Italian peninsula by 264 B.C. Rome then fought a series of wars known as the Punic Wars with Carthage, a powerful city-state in northern Africa.

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This created confusion in the minds of the civilians, leaders of different regions, and tribes that formed Roman Britain. The trust that people in Roman Britain had in their rulers deteriorated and factions started forming, thus setting the stage for the fall of the Roman Empire in Britain.

The lack of loyalty from the military and the distrust in the government among Romans were perhaps the biggest reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire. Disloyalty from the military resulted in attacks on established governments by soldiers while distrust in the government among people led them to take matters into their own hands. This caused instability and ultimately led to the downfall and demise of one of the greatest empires in history.

Between canon and the Legends universe, Star Wars has a well documented history spanning several millennia. For most of that time, the galactic order was divided between two rival powers: an imperial dictatorship and a democratic republic. This division mirrored the eternal conflict between Force users; the dark side using Sith on one end, and the light using Jedi on the other. The wars and skirmishes between these two powers defined the politics of the galaxy for almost the entirety of Star Wars' history.

Yet, long before the 1,000 years of the Galactic Republic's hegemonic dominance in a unipolar galaxy, the emergence of a third pillar in galactic affairs challenged the supremacy of the old Sith Empire and Galactic Republic around 3600 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin). An empire that had remained hidden until then exploited the hubris of the old powers, and as a result brought them to their knees. The rise and fall of the Eternal Empire of Zakuul was largely explored in Star Wars: The Old Republic.

After the defeat of the Giadian Empire, the country transitioned into a federal republic under the name of The Federal Republic of Giad. However, while the empire was defeated by the revolutionaries, they had no way to shut down the Legion. The fierce defense of the imperial faction ensured that no officer of the empire with a high enough rank was left alive to call off the Legion. Cut off by the rest of the world by the Legion's jamming system, the the Federacy had to reclaim all of the territories that were occupied by the Legion all on its own with the result of heavy losses in material and lives.

After the 'balance had been restored' there is nothing to stop corruption, incompetence and bureaucracy of the Republic enforced democracy. We already have that in Europe - wait few years and see how it will start falling apart...

The next era is around 100 years from the cold war. Which a fallen jedi falls to the dark side to become Darth Desolus and amasses an army that kills thousands of Jedi. The fact it was explained that it was in a time of peace AND that the republic is doing fine gives Bioware around ~50 years to play with, probably less.

When I first fell in love with Roman history: I was in high school and given a chance to start studying Latin. There was a new teacher who had been brought out of retirement and was just a master. She taught me Latin, but she was so passionate about the subject that she made me fall in love with it.

Literature of the Roman Empire

 In this course we will investigate the literature, culture, and history of the Roman Empire, focusing on how Romans sought, often at the cost of their own lives, to define the role and powers of the emperor and their place as subjects to this new, autocratic power. Texts we will read include: epic (Lucan), tragedy (Seneca), history (Tacitus), biography (Suetonius), prose fiction (Petronius), as well as early Christian literature. As we read we will seek to answer questions about the nature of freedom and empire, what is gained and lost by replacing a republican with an autocratic political system, and whether literature in this period can offer an accurate reflection of reality, function as an instrument of change and protest, or of fearful praise and flattery. 3 hrs lect. 1 hr. disc.

Corruption was a major problem in Rome towards the end of the empire. Corruption and bad government lead to inflation, starvation, disease, and excessive taxation. The last few centuries of the Roman Empire were presided over by some of the most corrupt and inept emperors in the history of Rome. One of these was Elagabalus, who ruled from 212 AD to 222 AD.

The role that the spread of Christianity played in the fall of the Roman Empire is a controversial one. Some historians believe that the adoption of Christianity as the official religion of the empire in 380 AD had a direct relationship to the fall of Rome. Christians had been persecuted by the Romans for centuries; however, in 313 AD, the emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan which extended official toleration to Christians. As the 4th century progressed, the majority of Romans converted to the religion. Christianity was radically different from the polytheistic religion practiced by the Romans during the majority of their history.

Adding to the problem, the rulers of Rome - many of whom had bought or murdered for their positions - had little desire to actually govern, let alone preserve the city. Without a strong central power base, civil wars waged between feuding political groups, while corrupt officials levied devastating taxes on the people of Rome. Inflation soared, commoners died of starvation and disease, and the lights of the Eternal City began to dim.

Just like Rome wasn't built in a day, it also didn't fall in a day. Its demise can be attributed to many factors, especially internal corruption, division, and outside invasion. As Rome grew in size and population, the rulers of Rome became very corrupt. Rather than serving the interests of the Empire, rulers, generals, and politicians became more concerned with protecting themselves. Civil wars between groups waged, taxes increased, and inflation soared.

With most of the Empire's veteran troops killed on the second Death Star or Vader's command ship Executor, military paucity and tactical clumsiness soon hampered the Empire's efforts at a concerted strike against the Republic. The Imperial Military suffered numerous losses of warships and troops, and expended more ordinance than it could produce fighting Republic forces. This ultimately led to a supply deficit forcing Imperial-class Star Destroyers to make do with an inadequate supply of TIE/LN starfighters and resulted in both the Imperial Navy and Imperial Army utilizing undertrained personnel pulled early from the numerous Imperial academies. Consequently, many planets were either captured by or seceded to the New Republic.

When a representative democracy makes it through its first generation without falling into tyranny, political norms often take deep root and patterns of democratic government become quite strong. This is as true of current republics like France and the United States as it was of ancient republics like Rome. In states like these, citizens prize the voice that representative government brings and robustly defend their freedoms against the sudden and direct attacks of tyrants. Their representative democracies can last for centuries. e24fc04721

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