
What are Archetypes?

You may have seen the term Archetype used in the game and discussions in various SocMed platforms.  Well, here we will attempt to answer the question "What is an Archetype?".

Archetype definition:

From the ancient Greek αρχέτυπο, meaning “original Pattern”. A similar definition is found in dictionaries and lexicons around the world. As we are UK based (no jokes please), our Collins Dictionary provides the following: “An archetype is something that is considered to be a perfect or typical example of a particular kind of person or thing, because it has all their most important characteristics.”.

So, in simple terms, an Archetype in Peridot is a Dot having particular characteristics (Traits) that define it as being of its own kind.

In Peridot, all Archetypes have a specific set of required characteristics, or Traits, that make up that particular Archetype. Some have only a limited number of requirements, others have complex requirements.

Dots have seven Traits, each or any combination of which can be requirements in the makeup of an Archetype.  In addition to the seven physical Traits, every Dot has a colour or variety of colours, these too can be one of the requirements that make up an Archetype.  Whilst the physical Traits are visually easy to match, the same cannot be said for the colours if they are a requirement for the archetype.  Sure, the Archetype information Card (we’ll get to that later) shows a colour bar that indicates the range of colours required for the Archetype but this is where things get a little more complex, your own Dot does not have a colour bar for you to compare and the visual colours on your Dot can be dramatically affected by the material Trait that your Dot possesses.

There is hope that colour bars will be introduced for our Dots, but that is perhaps for the future.  Even if colour bars are added for our Dots it will be down to a visual comparison to determine compatibility which is not ideal since the average human cannot accurately commit a specific colour shade to memory for any significant period of time (Source: Flombaum JI, Bae G, Olkkonen M, Allred SR. Why Some Colors Appear More Memorable Than Others: A Model Combining Categories and Particulars in Color Working Memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology. 2015).


If you want to see the in-game reference cards for each of the Archetypes, use this link.