
Welcome to the Twitter Challenge!

This challenge will earn you 10 gold dots and shows you how to join and make the most of the professional development available on Twitter. There is so much free information out there, it is all a #hashtag search away!

Joining Twitter can be a career-altering event. For many of you the connections, support, and resources you gain from being part of a professional learning network on Twitter are what give you back your passion for teaching.

The leap into the Twittersphere can be daunting. I hear even the most active Twitter users say that they joined months or even years before posting a single tweet! Sabe joined back in 2011 but only really became active on there 6 weeks ago! He has learnt a tonne of new stuff and is forever getting new ideas for things to do in the classroom.

So how DO you get started if you haven’t yet started your own Twitter journey? And how can you get started connecting with others through Twitter chats once you have joined?

Watch the brief video below to give you an idea of where to begin!

Twitter covers every subject area and educational topic you can think of, the best part is, all of this information is FREE! Once you have signed up, just start searching these following hashtags and see what you will find!


Find Sabe on twitter by searching @MrDigiTechSabe and follow him for some cool ideas and links to other educators. Twitter users in the UAE are massive and are doing some great things online. Below is just a few of the educators you can follow as a start! This infographic was kindly put together by @MrAndiPrice who is working on part 2 and 3 of this flag with more educators to follow!