Department Manual | Standard Operating Procedures

302 - Codes & Signals

302.1 State 10 Codes

Using 10 Codes

10 Codes were orginally introduced to ensure clear and consise radio communications in the days in which Radio technology was less advanced. Today radio communications are much more clear and therefore 10 codes have no longer become necessity, however are still in widespread use by department members so it is advised that you are familiar with them.

10 Codes

10-0 = Suspect Disappeared/ Lost Visual of Suspect

10-1 = Frequency change

10-2 = Frequency Affirmative (Loud & Clear)

10-3 = Stop transmitting

10-4 = Affirmative

10-5 = Meal break

10-6 = Busy

10-7 = Out of service

10-8 = In service

10-9 = Repeat transmission

10-10 = Fight in progress

10-11 = Traffic stop

10-12 = Active ride along

10-13 = Shots fired

10-15 = Suspect in custody & transporting to station

10-16 = Stolen vehicle

10-17 = Suspicious person

10-20 = Location

10-22 = Disregard

10-23 = Arrived on scene

10-25 = Domestic dispute / disturbance

10-26 = ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival​)

10-27 = Licence check for valid

10-28 = Plate check for valid

10-29 = NCIC Warrant check

10-30 = Wanted person

10-31 = Not wanted / no warrants

10-32 = Request backup (code 1-2-3)

10-35 = Wrap the scene up

10-41 = Beginning of shift

10-42 = Ending of shift

10-43 = Information

10-47 = Shootout

10-48 = Suicide

10-49 = Homicide

10-50 = Vehicle accident

10-51 = Request tow

10-52 = Request EMS

10-53 = Request Fire Dept

10-55 = Intoxicated driver

10-56 = Intoxicated Pedestrian

10-60 = Person armed with a gun

10-61 = Person armed with a knife

10-62 = Kidnapping

10-63 = Officer Kidnapping

10-64 = Sexual assault

10-65 = Escorting prisoner

10-66 = Reckless driver

10-67 = Fire

10-68 = Armed robbery

10-70 = Foot pursuit

10-71 = Request supervisor

10-72 = Coroner

10-73 = Advise status

10-74 = Status Affirm

10-79 = Hostage Situation

10-80 = Vehicle pursuit

10-81 = Advise Pit

10-84 = Report to Station

10-85 = All Units Report to Station

10-86 = Supervisors Report to Station

10-90 = Strike (Warning)

10-93 = Removed from department

10-97 = En Route

10-98 = En Route (To Hospital)

10-99 = Officer distress extreme emergency only

​11-44 = Person deceased

302.2 Additional Codes

Codes 1 through 10 are separate from 10 codes however serve a similar purpose in the quick communication of your status and actions on patrol to dispatch and fellow officers. Codes 1 through 6 are in widespread usage.


Code 0 = Game Crash

Code 1 = Non-Emergency Response (No Lights/ Sirens)

Code 2 = Lights On, Sirens Off Response

Code 3 = Emergency Response (Lights On,Sirens On)

Code 4 = Under control / call over

Code 5 = Felony stop / High risk stop

Code 6 = Investigation/ Follow Up

Code 7 = Briefing

Code 8 = Explosion

Code 9 = All-Units Report (10-73)

Code 10 = SWAT Response 

302.3 Signals

Signals may refer to particular scenarios, be put in place by a supervisor or dispatcher to help the organisation or be put in place by an officer depending on what the Signal is referring to.


Signal 1 = Dispatch Available

Signal 2 = Dispatch Unavailable

Signal 3 = Supervisors Available

Signal 4 = Supervisors Unavailable

Signal 11 = Running radar

Signal 50 = K9 Responds

Signal 60 = Drugs

Signal 100 = Hold all but Emergency traffic