Department Manual | Standard Operating Procedures

2.2 - Stages of Self Defence

202.1 Use of Force Continuum

Use of Force/ Stages of Self-Defence refer to the appropriate action you may take in various dangerous circumstances.

What is Use of Force?

202.2 Command Presence

Command presence is a passive form of conflict prevention and occurs when you are able to establish yourself in an authoritative position, despite not being formally in charge of the encounter.

202.3 Officer Presence

No force is used as the mere presence of an LEO is enough to discourage crime/ anti-social behaviour or de-escalate a situation without any force used. 

202.4 Verbal Commands

Warning the suspect and advising them to comply with commands for their safety. The tone of voice is important as it has to be in a calm, firm and non-threatening manner. This is a vital skill for de-escalation.

202.5 Hand to Hand Combat

May be required if verbal commands fail as LEOS have to use their bare hands to restrain the uncooperative subject. This may be actively engaging in defensive combat or tackling suspects to the ground (Shift + G).

202.6 Impact Weapon

If CQB (Close Quarter Combat) fails then a nightstick may be used to apprehend a violent suspect that may or may not be armed. Bear in mind that impact weapons can be lethal if used improperly.

202.6 Less than Lethal

The taser/ beanbag shotgun is not a tool of compliance and is not to be if a suspect is only refusing to cooperate. They are a component of self-defence and are to be used as such. (Immediately tasing people who run is no fun…).

202.7 Lethal Force

Use of Lethal Force (Service Pistol, Long-gun and Shotgun) is only to be used if you believe, beyond a reasonable doubt, that you or another's life is at risk by threat of the suspect in question. Scenarios where this may be the case include but are not limited to: recieving gunfire, a suspect approaching aggressively whilst brandishing any kind of weapon, a suspect using a vehicle with intent to cause harm.

Supervisors must be requested to an situation in which lethal force has been used as these situations require an Officer Involved Shooting (OIS) follow up with a supervisor concerning all those who discharged a service weapon.