Unless you intend to delete the database and start new when running your image ,be careful not to use -v to docker-compose down and, be careful when running commands like docker system prune or docker volume prune; regardless if you use an external: true parameter, your database volumes will not persist beyond the initial startup and shutdown of SonarQube.

Projects are created and tested on the SonarQube dashboard. To access the dashboard, you must free up a port to act as a server and point the SonarQube docker container to that port, accessible through the localhost IP address.

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And the name in the volumeMounts property points to a volume in the volumes section of the Kubernetes deployment YAML file.This again will make Sonarqube use the /sonarqube-data mountPath for creating extenions, conf and so forth folders, then save data therein.

Sounds like the container is running and, as you mentioned, Sonarqube starts-up. When it starts, is it showing that it's using the H2 in memory db? After running docker-compose up -d, use docker logs -f to see what's happening on Sonarqube startup. To simplify viewing your logs with a known name, I suggest you also add a container name to your Sonarqube service. For example, container_name: sonarqube.

Also, while I know the plan is to deprecate the use of environment variables for the username, password and jdbc connection, I've had better luck in docker-compose using environment variables rather than the corresponding property value. For the connection string, try: SONARQUBE_JDBC_URL: jdbc:postgresql://db/sonar without specifying the default port for postgres.

Part of it was the variable SONAR_WEB_HOST, but there was also the way that I was doing things in the docker-compose.yml file. I had to make adjustments to the ports also since I had an expose also. I added a test proxy also, and found I still had to make the adjustment.

Dear all,

after having created a docker setup as documented here: Install the Server | SonarQube Docs i now would like to endulge myself in the possibly hazardous procedure of manually installing a 3rd Party Plugin.

i am writing compose here, but of cause you can use the respected docker run command as well. The only thing that you need to take care about, would be that the SQ user inside the container has the correct permissions to the docker host path.

run the docker-compose with volumes and install plugins via marketplace (works for CE, but not for DE/EE/DCE because there plugins now have to be installed manually, if i understand correctly) so that they get stored in the mounted volume

P.S.: I still would like to suggest that an addition to Install a Plugin | SonarQube Docs would be beneficial to everyone trying to install plugins while using docker. (And even more when not on CE, because then you have to install them manually now, if i understand it correctly)

Yes, i indeed have found a way to set up my docker compose + a Dockerfile with integrated plugin. Getting that was actually rather easy, setting it up with a fitting docker-compose was more complicated but i managed to get something ready i can work with.

I have created a docker compose file which starts Postgres and SonarQube. I have configured SonarQube to use Postgres as the default database. When docker starts, I can run analysis on a project of mine using sonar scanner. The results are then published to SonarQube. I can then view the project and its results.

However when I restart docker, the project disappears. I know that the project is still there because SonarQube server displays '0 of 6 shown' under projects and there is a 'Show More' link. However I cant seem to find a way to see that project. I have also logged in as admin and tried.

I also tried setting up the project first on sonarqube using the create new project method by providing the project name and key. I still dont see that project available after dockercompose is restarted. I have made sure that the project had public visibility

I try to install sonarqube container on an Azure WebApp.

 It works fine as long as you use the H2 database. Unfortunately, this database is emptied each time the container restarts.Therefore, i'm trying to use SQLServer instead of H2.

Everything works fine when the container is hosted on my machine. But on the WebApp, i get an issue form the underlying ElasticSearch:

max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]

I'm not a Linux power user, but as far as i could read, it can only be changed on the host machine which i cannot tweak.I've tried to use different containers such as this one:


I've alsofollowed this tutorial: -azure-webapp-containers/ 

Nothing works :( 

Has anyone succeeded to install a Sonarqube container on Azure with SQL Server as database? Or has anyone solved the issue mentioned above?Thanks a lot for your feedbacks.

The documentation of the image covers jdbc database connections. I am quite certain that the official sonarqube documentention (of the product, not the image) will provide a list of supported databases and an example jdbc connection string to configure the connection.

This takes the image of the branch from dockerhub and then creates a container of the image.Now I want to make some changes in the file but there is no editor in the container.I tried installing vi using apt-get but it says I need to be the root user to execute the command and when I write sudo it says command not found.How do I install the editor in the container?

To use SonarQube you need to be running the server somewhere. We will use Docker. It will download a docker image which contains SonarQube for us already configured and set it up as a container on your machine. To do this open your command window and type:

Now you are ready to start the SonarQube server using the docker run sonarqube command. If this was successful you should see your command window fill with text about the server starting and once loaded be able to see the dashboard at :9000. Now you can scan your project.

I have spent multiple hours trying to find a solution and reading thru the documentation but none of them work for me, including: creating new runners, trying to expose ports in docker and making a network bridge between the 2 containers. Has anyone ran into this problem before?

Since SonarQube is well versed with the docker compose environment, it would be easier to integrate the tool in your build project. In this article, we will learn to set up a SonarQube server with Docker without having to spend much time in installing and configuration.

Docker compose is a tool developed to define and share multi-container applications. With docker compose, you can create a YAML file for defining services within a single command. This command can either build up or tear down your entire build.

This will start a container based on the sonarqube image and give it the name sonarqube. Adding the -d means the container will run in detached mode (background). The -p 9000:9000 and 9092:9092 means that we expose port 9000 and 9092 to the host using the same port numbers.

This will first remove any current SonarQube container running, then run / download the docker image and start up SonarQube. Run the gradle plugin that pushes data to SonarQube and then open a website at localhost:9000 that shows the SonarQube dashboard.

The limitation with this dockerized SonarQube is that any customizations and optimizations you do is only valid for as long as your container is running. But to get some quick feedback on your code i think this approach adds value!

We're running sonar-scanner via a docker container and a command script on our remote Bamboo agents. I just installed the plugin and tried linking that command script as the sonar-scanner executable but it didn't work.

To be honest, I tried several howtos that use the Webbapp configuration, using custom images or custom startup scripts. Yes there was a solution the would install the sonarqube onto the server, but I wanted a container solution. So I ended up in this, I think that it will be the best solution for my needs.

The first thing we will need to do is pull down the latest Docker image of SonarQube to run locally. If you currently are using Docker and Docker Compose for local development, you can just add this image to your existing docker-compose.yml file.

Now that we have SonarQube setup, it's time to setup the SonarQube Scanner to run against the codebase. The easiest way to install the scanner is by using the npm module sonarqube-scanner. Alternatively, you can scan your code without the usage of node or npm, but it would require setting up SonarQube Scanner by hand. However, I wouldn't recommend it considering how easy it is to setup with npm.

ssh into sonarqube instance and install java 17 first and then install sonarqube in it. Open port 9000 in security group other wise you will get error while opening sonarqube. sonarqube download link : -

Now go to configuration system - sonarqube server- copy the sonarqube app link( ip:9000) and paste it . In server authentication token-add-jenkins- kind=secret ; scope=global ; secret= paste the token that was copied from sonarqube ; Add it and select the same token in server auth token. save it

To verify the installation, try to access http:// docker-ip: port. In my case, the port is 9000 and to know the IP of our container, I can just use the command docker-machine ip default.

docker container kill will kill the container by name. if you want to kill above container: docker container kill serene_feistel

docker container restart will restart the container by name. if you want to kill above container: docker container kill serene_feistel 2351a5e196

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