Here, you're strictly speaking exporting the variable. Since it's defined outside the function, you can access it outside the function and thus, you can export it. HOWEVER, IT COULD BE A MISTAKE. If you call twice the exported function with different values for a, the variable variableToExport would only have the value corresponding to the second call, and not the first. If the value of variableToExport should not depend on a, it could be OK, but otherwise it seems risky.

This will thus return the last clientID (and since you said you have only one clientID, it should be ok), but it would be a little better of you could get the value of clientID outside the loop, except if you intend on exporting only the last value of clientID.

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I hope that, even though you might not understand everything, you understand how to export the client ID you want to export, and that the key words I gave you allows you to easily find what you might need on the internet more easily than these 3 last days. Ask me if anything isn't clear enough, I'll answer when I'll have time

In order to use the export declaration in a source file, the file must be interpreted by the runtime as a module. In HTML, this is done by adding type="module" to the tag, or by being imported by another module. Modules are automatically interpreted in strict mode.

Identifier to be exported (so that it can be imported via import in another script). If you use an alias with as, the actual exported name can be specified as a string literal, which may not be a valid identifier.

Every module can have two different types of export, named export and default export. You can have multiple named exports per module but only one default export. Each type corresponds to one of the above syntax.

Note: Names for export declarations must be distinct from each other. Having exports with duplicate names or using more than one default export will result in a SyntaxError and prevent the module from being evaluated.

Named exports are useful when you need to export several values. When importing this module, named exports must be referred to by the exact same name (optionally renaming it with as), but the default export can be imported with any name. For example:

A module can also "relay" values exported from other modules without the hassle of writing two separate import/export statements. This is often useful when creating a single module concentrating various exports from various modules (usually called a "barrel module").

There is also export * from "mod", although there's no import * from "mod". This re-exports all named exports from mod as the named exports of the current module, but the default export of mod is not re-exported. If there are two wildcard exports statements that implicitly re-export the same name, neither one is re-exported.

In order to use the export declaration in a source file, the file must be interpreted by the runtime as a module. In HTML, this is done by adding type=\"module\" to the tag, or by being imported by another module. Modules are automatically interpreted in strict mode.

A module can also \"relay\" values exported from other modules without the hassle of writing two separate import/export statements. This is often useful when creating a single module concentrating various exports from various modules (usually called a \"barrel module\").

There is also export * from \"mod\", although there's no import * from \"mod\". This re-exports all named exports from mod as the named exports of the current module, but the default export of mod is not re-exported. If there are two wildcard exports statements that implicitly re-export the same name, neither one is re-exported.

I'm creating a unit converter, and I want to put all of the conversion functions into their own file. Using ES6 export, is there any way to export all of the functions in the file with their default names using only one line? For example:

I think there are a lot of solutions to this. And as has been answered, there's no wildcard export. But, you can 'wildcard' the import. So, I much prefer the one putting export before each of the functions you want to expose from the file:

I do not believe this is possible presently. Will definitely make an interesting Request For Enhancement (RFE). The only export available right now is for the User Sessions but that will not give Javascript error details.

Export of JS error details is not available. What is the exact reason for requesting an export. Is it not better that the dev team us the product directly? We will add more features soon like a drill down from a specific js error to the affected users and such drill downs or also comparison features we plan to build will not be available if you just look a the exported details.

@AlexanderSommer when this feature will be available.we have a similar requirement we want to send user session error details to other tools splunk & grafana using api,but when we query it is giving only as either javascript error or script error,but not giving actual error detials.our engineering teams want to send all this data to splunk,where they have service logs and it will be easy for them to debug if these errors are also within same system

An update here: In Aug 2021 we've added an option to include all application error details in the user session export. Please contact your CSM on how to enable this, all information is provided in an internal document about 'Enabling enhanced error-information in user-session export'.

Simple question: is this even possible? If so, can somebody give me an idea of how. I looked into ExtractData, but ran into many issues with that just trying to extract the shape file from the layers on the server. I didn't even get as far as trying to get the dynamically created layer exported.

As a very experienced programmer (more than 30 years) I couldn't agree with you more. I have the capability of writing python scripts and all the javascript needed for this, I just don't have a clue where to begin. I actually have a pretty simple map with a single map service and the graphics being created is based on a simple point layer in the map service. But, I'm not going to tackle this. I'm going to suggest to the customer that she hire a GIS consultant to accomplish this task.

This code exports the LinkedList class but does not specify the name to be used by consumers of the module. Assuming the filename is linked-list.js, you can import that default in another CommonJS module like this:

Both CommonJS and JavaScript modules support named exports in addition to default exports. Named exports allow for the name of a function, class, or variable to be transferred into the consuming file.

Named exports require consuming modules to at least specify the name of the thing they are importing from a module. The benefit is that I can easily search for everywhere that LinkedList is used in a code base and know that it all refers to the same LinkedList. As default exports are not prescriptive of the names used to import them, that means naming imports becomes more cognitive overhead for each developer. You need to determine the correct naming convention, and as extra overhead, you need to make sure every developer working in the application will use the same name for the same thing. (You can, of course, allow each developer to use different names for the same thing, but that introduces more cognitive overhead for the team.)

As earlier, I remind you that this is my opinion and you may not find my reasoning to be persuasive. This post was not meant to persuade anyone to stop using default exports, but rather, to better explain to those that inquired why I, personally, will stop exporting defaults from the modules I write.

I'm trying to do some workflow enhancements. For our games we need to export to PNG at different resolutions for different mobile devices. I use a artboard per asset and currently manually export 3 times (using file/export/png with use artboards option), at 72 dpi, 144 dpi and 33.75 dpi.

I've been modifying a simple Javascript I downlaoded and have got it save to different fixed locations at different scales. All good. However exporting every artboard each time will cause issues with our version control system and take too long. It's not really a solution.

So I need a way to either only export the current selected artboards (which I believe can't be done) or somewho show the artboard range dialog that the system uses. Either of those would be a good solution.

As I'm only interested in the start range number and the end range number, I'm extracting the first two numbers from the list to pass into the export function. I've also done a little work around to enable listing a single number to export just one artboard. It's all working well and will save time, remove some user error and most importantly keep me sane!

I still can't get it to export a range of artboards though and I think it has something to do with the fact that the exported png always has _undefined.png at the end. So it could simply be overwriting each png with the next. 2351a5e196

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