2024 Workshop

This page contains the details of a previous workshop.

Information for this year's workshop can be found here.


The 4th Discrimination and Diversity workshop took place on Tuesday, 2 July 2024 and Wednesday, 3 July 2024.

The workshop program including the book of abstracts is available here.

Outstanding Paper Awards

To promote and encourage the excellent research by junior researchers, Loughborough University, University of East Anglia, and University of Exeter sponsored two Outstanding Paper Awards worth £500 each.

The awards are given to the two most outstanding papers presented by early-career researchers, and the recipients were announced at the workshop.

The recipients of the 2024 Outstanding Paper Awards are:

Gaia Dossi, London School of Economics
Race and Science

Federica Meluzzi, CREST Institut Polytechnique de Paris
The College Melting Pot: Peers, Culture and Women's Job Search

Special Sessions Speakers

National University of Singapore

Tilburg University

Paper Sessions

The workshop featured 5 paper sessions each consisting of 4 presentations. Each session had a dedicated theme and was chaired by an expert researcher.

It is our pleasure to have welcomed invited speakers to chair and lead discussions in paper sessions dedicated to these topics:

Simon Burgess

University of Bristol

Inequalities in Education

Ian Burn

University of Liverpool

LGBTQ+ Individuals

Katherine B. Coffman

Harvard Business School


Christina Felfe

University of Konstanz

Social Integration and Migrant Children

Giulia Greco

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Access to Healthcare

Organizing Committee and Scientific Committee

Oana Borcan, Laura Harvey and Boon Han Koh

Please contact us at DiscriminationWorkshop@exeter.ac.uk if you have any questions.