DNA is the most capacious, durable and cheapest medium for large amounts of data. Quantum communication is the safest way to exchange information. We are working on combining these technologies to provide our clients with the widest possible use of the latest technology.
And if you have little but very valuable data, we will help you save it in DNA and hide it in an unusual place that only you know. In a plant in the corner of your garden, in grains, in bacteria frozen on a distant asteroid (this is in some time, for now we offer a place on the satellite).
In the future we will probably use not only ACGT but extended molecular alphabet that offers increase in storage density.
Project leader: Krzysztof Kurpiecki.
A specialist in acquiring and processing business information. Experience in training artificial intelligence for global giants. Once, a purchasing specialist for the largest American DIY store chain, for the EMEA countries. A public relations expert and economist by education. Military specialization - radio-electronic warfare. The first profession - electrician. I wrote columns on scientific, social and political topics for the largest newspaper in the Iława region (Poland). Educator - the basics of programming artificial intelligence and quantum computers. I recently attended a semester course in synthetic biology at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Media Lab - Center for Bits and Atoms - HTGAA 2022
Personal blog: kurpiecki.blogspot.com