
The Coalition has six committees, each with two elected co-chairs with volunteer members. One co-chair from each committee serves as that committee's liaison on the Leadership Team.


The Events Committee plans, promotes, and implements in-person and online gatherings to engage the Coalition in meaningful interactions. Events can range from educational trainings to social hours.


The Membership Committee onboards and orients new Coalition members, engages membership in Coalition activity, reaches out to new members, and facilitates professional networking.


The Values Committee reviews Coalition actions to ensure they are in alignment with and progressing Coalition's Vision, Mission, and Guiding Principles. This committee identifies conflicts of interest, and creates focus groups as needed to support Coalition values (ex. Equity).


The Resources Committee develops, curates, and collects case studies, technical guides, and resources that support the Coalition's mission.


The Communications Committee manages the Coalition’s communications on social media, newsletters, list-serves, etc.


The Elections Committee runs the Coalition elections for elected positions each year, and holds special elections to ensure leadership and committee Co-chairs roles are filled.

General Guidance for Committee Co-Chairs

Committee work should further the Coalition’s Mission to increase the number of net-zero energy buildings in the National Capital Region according to its guiding principles and values. Committee Co-chairs embody, represent and communicate committee work, recommendations, needs, and share suggestions with the the Leadership Group. They are responsible for hosting regular meetings, moving work forward, inviting volunteer action from fellow committee members as needed, and identify and recognize committee members.