Research Topics

Upcoming VR project experiment

The purpose of this study is to find out whether visual materials are effective for learning English listening, especially when visual attention is shifted to a specific object or scene by giving a highlight. In order to find out whether it is effective for learning English listening when visual data is presented, especially when visual attention is shifted by giving a highlight, we want to track and investigate eye movements that can detect attention.

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether frequency of words which has an effect on perception of words also played a role in recognition of phonetic consonants in words. In this study, we created pseudo-pronunciation words and used for the task of the experiment. We presented written words differentiated with the frequency of words (high & low), order of presentation (high frequency-low frequency order & low frequency-high frequency order), consonant pairs (r/l, p/f. b/v), and location of consonants (onset & medial). Participants were listened to the correct or pseudo-pronunciation word and asked to respond to correct or incorrect by pressing keys.