이영림 (Young Lee)

Associate Professor of Psychology and Psychotherapy at Dankook University

Office phone +82-41-550-3262

Email: younglee13@dankook.ac.kr

Fields of Research

Ecological psychology, perception/action, Embodied cognition, Convergence with learning, Foreign language, VR, etc.


Ph. D. in Psychological & Brain Sciences / Cognitive Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington

Dissertation title: Metric shape can be perceived accurately and used both for object recognition and visually guided action (Advisor: Prof. Geoffrey P. Bingham)

M. A. in Experimental Psychology, Western Kentucky University

Thesis title: The perception and recognition of 3-D shape from shadows cast onto curved surfaces (Advisor: J. Farley Norman)

B. A. in English Language & Literature, Sungshin Women's University

Professional Experiences

Post-doctoral fellow in Psychology, University of Hong Kong, Jan. 2010~Jan. 2013

Recent Research Projects 

VR을 이용한 의사소통역량 함양을 위한 E-edu 시스템 개발 연구 (Funded by NRF) 참여, Jul. 2019~Jun. 2022

감성 ICT  기반의 청소년 분노대처능력 향상연구 (Funded by NRF) 참여, Nov. 2017~Oct.2019