Towards and Beyond Retirement             [은퇴를 맞이하면서]

Towards and Beyond Retirement [은퇴를 맞이하면서]

성교수는 2017년 은퇴 후 1 년 반 동안 ETRI(한국전자통신연구원)에서 초빙연구원으로 30 여년 간의 연구경험을 젊은 연구원들과 공유하였으며, 한국연구재단 주관 미래과학기술포럼 ICT분과 공동의장으로 <지능연결사회 대비 과학기술자가 바라본 미래기술>에 대한 포럼을 진행한 바 있다. 개인적인 연구의 관심사는“우리 인류가 살고 있는 지구는 지속가능한가?”라는 Sustainability(지속가능성) 주제인데 세부적으로는 지구에서의 인구문제, 식량문제, 에너지 문제, 기후변화 문제, 환경문제, 물 문제, 자원 문제, 전염병 문제, 생태계 문제, 탈탄소 문제 등의 주제에 대하여 청소년과 대중을 위한 강연을 해오고 있다.

After retiring in 2017, Professor Sung worked as a visiting researcher at ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) for a year and a half, sharing his 30 years of research experience with young researchers, and also co-chaired the ICT (Information & Communication Technology) division Forum of the Future Science and Technology Forum hosted by the National Research Foundation of Korea in 2017. The main theme of the forum was  “Future technologies as observed by scientists and engineers in preparation for our future connected society.” Professor Sung's personal research interest is  sustainability issues, “Is the Earth where we live sustainable?” Specifically, the sustainability issues generally cover various issues in population, food, energy, climate change, environments, water, mineral and natural resources, ecological system, etc. He has been giving lectures for youth and the public on topics such as resource depletion, climate change, environment, food, infectious diseases, ecosystem, and decarbonization.


Sustainability generally refers to the ability to maintain or support a process continuously over time. For example, sustainability in natural resources seeks to prevent the depletion of natural resources, so that they will remain available continuously for the long term. The concept of sustainability is often broken down into three pillars: economic, enviromantal, and social. The concept of "economic sustainability" aims to conserve the natural resources that continuously provide renewable and non-renewable  resources for  economic production continuously over time. The concept of "environmental sustainability" more focuses on the life support system, such as the atmosphere, soil, water, and environment for our human living. On the other hand, the concept of "social sustainability" refers to various human effects of economic systems, including human efforts to eradicate poverty and hunger, to reduce inequalities, and improve gender equality. []

 All United Nations member states adopted "The 2030 Agenda for Sustainability Development" which provides a shared blueprint for peace and properity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. 

Sustainable Development Goals set by UNDP[]

Figure 1: 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by UNDP

Some References Related to Sustainability Issues

Professor Sung's  Lecture/Seminar Presentations









