Howard Entertainment Program
Diversifying the Entertainment Industry
One of the highlights of Denise's career has been serving as a faculty-fellow for the partnership program between Howard University and Amazon Studios, Howard Entertainment. She served in this roll for the first 3 years of the program from 2020 - 2022. The program has the goal of diversifying the entertainment industry.
<-- 2020 Cohort sizzle reel!
Viola Davis with 2020 Cohort
Los Angeles premiere of Troop Zero with Amazon Studios
Faculty Experience - Amazon Studios Externship
Faculty were fortunate to be placed in summer long externships with Amazon Studios and other program partners. Denise was delighted to spend summer 2021 working in the Drama Development department at Amazon Studios. Hart was able to review scripts of shows in production and share feedback for notes consideration for the writing teams. Her exposure to the inner workings of the development process was eye opening and she was able to incorporate what she learned about the development process into her classroom experience at Howard University.
Denise spent summer 2022 working in the newly formed Drama Limited Series Department at Amazon Studios. Hart was treated as an additional team member. She attended pitch meetings, read scripts and shared feedback on potential shows along with other members of the Drama team. This too was quite a fruitful experience!
Thank you from my direct report in Drama Series Development the summer of 2021!
2022 LA-Professor Hart with former students
2020 Cohort
2022 Cohort
2021 American Black Film Festival Professor Hart
Student Experience
Students received a rigorous training experience with both curated classes during the spring semester and summer long industry relevant internships with both Amazon Studios and additional industry partners. As well, students attended a plethora of workshops, and industry events, including visiting TV series in production.
Ahdis Beruk, cohort 2022
Your presence was so inspiring and necessary for my progression through the program as you've provided and continue to provide both personal, academic, and professional support to my peers and myself.
I most appreciated and admired your development of the spring Black Aesthetics course that charged my peers and I to look beyond established entertainment industry functions and societal norms, and identify how we'd like to contribute to better the industry for ourselves and marginalized populations. Your course helped to build my confidence to enter professional spaces such as my summer internship and identify ways in which I could be an asset and be innovative, while recognizing that I already embody those qualities. Your attention and care to arming students with a strong academic foundation, skill, and an analyzing mind has been invaluable to me. I now take that approach of entering spaces "as an expert" and striving to be one wherever I go.
You were a voice for myself and the students this summer. You have always been a joy and a voice that challenged students to not only rise to the occasion, but surpass the expectation as you have been a wonderful example of a leader for us to follow.
I express my deepest gratitude for the tremendous impact and assistance you provided to me during my time in the Howard Entertainment Program this year. Thank you for being a gift to us all.
Maya Hunter, cohort 2022
The Howard Entertainment Program has opened doors for me in many ways as a multi-faceted artist. It has revealed to me my newfound interest in writing while sharpening my creativity and ability to analyze text and story, both skills that has been beneficial to my studies as a Musical Theatre major. My classes in the spring semester has challenged my perspective and thought, building my confidence in my voice and all that I have to contribute to the industry. This summer, I had the unique opportunity to intern with Scrap Paper Pictures founded by actress Rachel Brosnahan where I learned the mechanics of developing content in a small, intimate setting. Between the exposure and valuable connections I have made, it is because of this program that I have grown as an actor, writer, and collaborator. I am so excited to take on the industry with full force following my time at Howard.
Workshop with actress, Ashley Blaine Featherson
Set of Them Covenant
Pop up for Fairfax on Amazon Prime
NBA Game with Keisha Nix, Vice President of Lakers Organization
Nirlash Karki, cohort 2022
The internship experience at Amazon Studios this summer was a wonderful experience. As a TV Drama Intern, I was able to practice all the skills I acquired from my classes related to playwriting, analysis, and screenwriting. It was humbling to see all the work that goes into developing a TV show and how a perfect nexus of creativity and market needs guides what is produced. I had a wonderful mentor and manager who helped me navigate the experience without any hijinks. It was an experience I would cherish for a long time.
I would also like to thank you for always providing love and guidance to us Howard students.
Cool Howard Entertainment Swag!
2021 Swag

2022 Swag

It was so amazing to connect with the Howard students, they were well prepared and their questions were both impressive and thoughtful. It was clear that the students benefited from Efua's leadership and professionalism, I would love to get involved with similar initiatives in the future. ~ Chidi Erike; Client Partner for Facebook, Guest Lecturer