Host a Middle School Greek Day!

Everything you need to live like an ancient Greek - for one day!

What is "Greek Day"?

“Greek Day” is a culmination of a 6th grade Ancient Greece Unit, combining prior knowledge of ancient Greece from classwork with new experiential learning opportunities. This full-day event is designed to be engaging, informative, and flexible in order to make it accessible for many students and schedules.

The following plan for Greek Day was designed with middle school students, specifically 6th grade students, in mind, but this plan could be adjusted as needed to engage students at both a higher and lower level.

Learn About Ceramics

Students can make their own red or black figure pottery!

Local Architecture

Students can learn about the lasting impact of Greek architectural achievements!


Students can try the ancient Greek diet!

So Sporty!

Students can participate in the Olympic Games - ancient Greek style!

So...where do I start?

First, decide that you want to host a Greek Day! It works best if you teach a unit about ancient Greece before you host a Greek Day, so your students have background knowledge about the events and activities of the day.

Next, get your team on board! This is a full day event and relies on the contributions of many people. You will be asking your team to change their schedule for the day and act as activity leaders and Greek god chaperones. Greek day offers some great opportunities for interdisciplinary work, incorporating activities that fall under the subjects of history, art, English, and STEM.

Give yourself enough time to plan! Planning checklist/documentation coming soon!