Metaphor for Literature

My Metaphor for Literature is 'Algorithm' 

An algorithm is a set of instructions or a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or completing a task. It is a computational procedure that takes some input, processes it, and produces an output. Algorithms are commonly used in computer programming and other fields such as mathematics, engineering, and science to solve complex problems.

Algorithms have different types, such as a flowchart,  pseudocode, or actual programming code, same as literature has different kinds of genres, styles, and forms, like forms of poetry, types of novel,essays, drama, etc. 

Algorithms have a certain kind of instruction provided by the instructor. It is considered as the set of problem-solving methods. It has the capacity to generate complexity from simplicity. The straightforward set of instructions may be very complex, however, it is dependent on the programmer how they input the instructions. 

It might be challenging to comprehend the complexity of reading any literary work in literature. In contemporary texts like "The Ministry of Utmost Happiness" by Arundhati Roy and "Gun Island" by Amitav Ghosh, the complexity of the narration may make it difficult for the reader to follow along with a specific episode, but once we've grasped the true essence of life, we may be eager to learn more about the specific events in real life as well.