About the CSA

The Ditmas Park CSA has been partnering with Amantai Farm and the Flatbush Tompkins Congregational Church to bring fresh veggies to folks in the neighborhood for over ten years.  We are run by a small core group of volunteers and supported by the work of all our members.  We think that the Ditmas Park CSA has the freshest produce, generous shares, and the best variety that you can find!  We hope that you think so, too!   

Season Details

The Ditmas Park CSA offers produce shares and will run for 18 weeks from approximately late June / early July to late October / early November (exact dates to be confirmed closer to the start of the season).  Prices and share information can be found on the main page and also on the sign-up form.  

What is the expected volume of a share?

Shares provide enough produce for a household of approximately 4 to 5 for one week.

We are again  offering an every-other-week share option for households that want the variety and quantity of a share but not the every-week commitment.  This share type is a great value!!

Many members find they do not need to purchase additional vegetables while they participate in the CSA.

What’s in a typical share?

The veggies in a share vary based on the time of year.  Shares usually have 8 to 10 types of veggies/produce in a given week.

For example, a weekly share might include:

Distribution Details

Where do I go?

Typically we have distributions outside Flatbush-Tompkins Congregational Church on Dorchester Road between East 18th and East 19th.  However, since 2020, the pickup location has had to shift to the corner of East 19th St and Ave H.  Distribution is on Tuesdays from 5pm-8pm.

What do I do when I get there?

Find one of the volunteers and tell them your name (or the primary shareholder's name).  Take your bag(s) of pre-weighed and pre-counted produce.  Be sure to pick up any “add-ons” that you paid for (eggs) and large items such as watermelons that may not be in the pre-packed bags.  Head home and enjoy the tastes of summer.

What should I bring?

Make sure to bring a box or bags with you to pick-up to carry home all of your goodies.

What if I cannot pick up my share for a particular week?

Shares can only be picked up at the designated times listed above.  If you can’t pick up your share, please make arrangements for someone else to pick it up for you.  This can be a friend, neighbor, or other CSA member.

Shares that are not picked up are donated to food pantries run by the Flatbush-Tompkins Congregational Church and/or Council of People Organization (COPO).

Member Workshifts

The Ditmas Park CSA is a member-run volunteer organization.  We rely on our members to set up, clean up, and distribute shares.   Each share is required to work shifts during the season.

Workshift requirements are per share, not per person, but we encourage everyone who benefits from a share to work a shift.  Teenage family members are also welcome to work.

Here is the 2023 volunteer sign-up form.  Please check out the link for more info and to sign up.

CSA Core Group

The CSA is evolving!  A core group of volunteers is a necessary element of the CSA and has been meeting to discuss all things CSA-related, from organizing the pickup location and volunteers to managing the finances and planning CSA-related get-togethers.  The core group is responsible for handling communication with members and distributing a weekly email to all subscribers.  We need and encourage any CSA member to join this group to become more involved in our community CSA.  Email us if you're interested: ditmasparkcsa@gmail.com.