
The traditions of the runemasters date back to the ancient times. Dwarves quickly mastered the mysteries of the runes possibly due to one of their patron deities favoritism towards that form of magic. However, as generations passed, dwarves forgot their heritage and lost all knowledge of runes and their hereditary powers.The runemaster is a free spirit, more at home in the wild than in the city. He merges brute strength with arcane magic, covering his body with mystic tattoos and often imbuing them with magical energies to increase his skill in hand-to-hand combat. While a runemaster shuns armor, this is more to prevent hindrances to inscribing his runes than to demonstrate his subtlety and finesse with unarmed strikes. Quite to the contrary, a runemaster prefers to get in the face of his enemies usually choosing to multiclass into kundala or fighter.While a few rely on trickery or subterfuge a majority of runemasters takes down foes with toe-to-toe, all-out assaults hammering them with tattooed fists and feet brimming with arcane power. Runic magic is considered primitive yet complex by most races.Attributes: Wound Point Bonus: +0 Chakra Point Die: 1d12

Character Skills for Runemaster:

  • Expression Party Ability [Used to be Craft (Writing) and Craft (Visual Arts)]

  • Weapon Arts

  • [Energy] Control

  • Ritual Arts

  • Primal Arts

  • Bluff

  • Intimidate

Skill Points at 1st Level: ( 7 + Intelligence Modifier) x4Skill Points At Each Additional Level: [7] + Intelligence ModifierSpecial: Highly SkilledWeapon/Spell/Armor proficiency
  • Militia Proficiency
  • General Choice

Starting Meseta: 14,000

1: See Runes, Rune Sense +1

2: Core: Battlefield Rune

3: Runic Magic

4: Mag Bauble

5: Erase Runes, Rune Sense +2

6: Power Slot

7: Runic Mastery I

8: Mag Bauble

9: Extended Glyph I

10: Rune Sense +3

11 Extended Mark I

12 Mag Bauble

13 Runic Mastery II

14 Extended Glyph II

15 Fixed Sigil, Rune Sense +4

16 Mag Bauble

17 Extended Mark II

18 Power Slot

19 Runic Mastery III

20 Fixed Glyph, Rune Sense +5

See Runes (EX)

At 1st level, a runemaster can see all arcane runes of lower level than the highest level he can inscribe without needing to make a Search check. For example, a runemaster capable of inscribing 3rd-level runes is able to see all runes of 2nd level and lower without making a Search check. In addition, a runemaster who merely passes within 5 feet of an arcane rune more powerful than he can normally see is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if he were actively looking for it.

Core: Battlefield Rune

Usable once per combat A battlefield rune will generate magical terrain around it, modifying the energy cost of spells cast by those within it's radius.

Runic Magic

A runemaster's selection of runes is extremely limited. He begins play with mastery of one rune family. Each rune family gives the runemaster access to a rune at each rune level he can create, from 1-level on up to 10, as well as a granted power. As per all magic you must have a level equal to the spell level minimum.

Erase Runes (EX)

At 5th level, a runemaster can make a Disable Device check to erase an arcane rune without activating it.

Rune Sense (EX)

At 1st Level a Runemaster gains and intuitive sense that alerts him to dangerous runes and steels him against their effects. He receives a +1 bonus to saves against rune effects as a +1 on perception checks to locate hidden runes and disable device checks to erase them.

Extended Glyph (EX)

At 9th level, a runemater's glyphs need not activate immediately upon completion. instead the glyph remains quiescent for 2 minutes per runemaster level. the glyph fades to no effect at the end of this time if it has not already been activate dispelled or erased. anyone can activate the glyph as a move action an enemy who is aware of the glyph can try to activate it by making a touch attack against the rune (use the size of the rune, which has +8 to defense for fine size instead of the surface's normal size defense modifier

At 14th level the runemaster gains lasting glyphs, they have no time limit, remaining until activate dispelled or erased. An object can only have one extended or lasting glyph at a time. if a second is inscribed, the first fades to no effect.

Extended Mark (EX)

At 11th level, a runemater's marks need not activate immediately upon completion, an extended mark functions like an extended glyph

At 17th level the runemaster gains lasting marks, they have no time limit, remaining until activate dispelled or erased. An object can only have one extended or lasting mark at a time. if a second is inscribed, the first fades to no effect.

Runic Mastery

At 7th level the Runemaster chooses a second rune family. the runemaster gains the family's granted power and access to all of its arcane runes that he is capable of creating with his Fuinjutsu skill.

at 13th level the runemaster chooses his third rune family, gaining the granted power and access to all of its arcane runes that he is capable of creating.

at 19th level the runemaster chooses his final rune family, gaining the granted power and access to all of its arcane runes that he is capable of creating.

Fixed Sigil (EX)

At 15th level a Runemaster's sigils can be made permanent. A fixed sigil does no fade after activation, though it can only be activated once per day.

Fixed Glyphs (EX)

At 20th level a runemaster's glyphs can be made permanent. A fixed glyph does not fade after activation, though it can only be activated once per day.

Taiga notes

Starting Meseta: 1000-might 1250-magic 1500-civilian [This should be likely + 1 zero more on each. to be done when coupons are updated!]

Basic classes use 11 points split among [HP, Energy, skills and proficiencies]

+1 HP [1] +2 HP [2]

1d4 control [0] 1d6 [1] 1d8 [2] 1d10 [3]

4 + Int at level 1 ||| 2 + Int per level after [0] 6 + Int at level 1 ||| 4 + Int per level after [2]

Highly skilled increases [Per level after] up to match Initial and costs [2]


Advanced classes use 7

Skill base is 2 + Int per level. [0]


Prestige is likely less [points] then adv