
Granted Power: A rune from this family has a duration 10 times longer than normal when you inscribe it on yourself.

01 - Mark of Lesser Vision

The Subject gains low-light vision.

Duration: 1 minute

Chakra Cost: 4

Saving Throw: Will Negates (harmless)


The subject's eyes glow a faint yellow as he gains the ability to see betere in dimly lit areas.

Rune Effect:

Activate this mark to gain low-light vision for the rune's duration.

02 - Mark of Lesser Awareness

The Subject gains +10 insight bonus on his next attack roll.

Duration: Next attack.

Chakra Cost: 8

Saving Throw: Will Negates (harmless)

Description: The subject gains an intuitive awareness of the future, allowing a bonus on his next attack roll.

The subject gains a +10 insight bonus on his next single attack roll. additionally, the subject is not affected by the miss chance that applies to attackers trying to strike a concealed target.

03 - Mark of Awareness

The Subject gains a +4 Insight bonus to Defense

Duration: 1 hour

Chakra Cost: 12

Saving Throw: Will Negates (harmless)


The subject is granted increase awareness, a fraction of a second into the future. this allows the subject to sense from which direction attacks will come.

Rune Effect:

The Subject gains a +4 insight bonus to Defense. This bonus is lost whenever the subject loses dexterity bonus to defense, unless she is only flat-footed, in which case mark of awareness still provides +2 insight bonus to Flat-footed Defense.

04 - Mark of Vision

The Subject gains darkvision and can see invisible creatures and Objects

Duration: 1 hour

Chakra Cost: 16

Saving Throw: Will Negates (harmless)


The subject's eyes glow deep violet, granting the ability to see in pitch black and see invisible things.

Rune Effect:

This rune functions like the spells darkvision and see invisibly except as already noted.

05 - Mark of Greater Awareness

The Subject is alerted to magical eavesdropping.

Duration: 2 hours

Chakra Cost: 20

Saving Throw: Will Negates (harmless)


A field of awareness surrounds the subject and alerts him to any attempt to observe him by a supernatural technique or effect.

Rune Effect:

For the duration of the effect, the subject knows the location of every magical scrying sensor within a 40-foot radius. If a scrying attempt originates within the area, the subject instantly knows the location from which the attempt was made; otherwise, the creature attempting to scry immediately makes a caster level check DC21 to hide her identity. If she fails the check, the subject of the mark of greater awareness gets a visual image of the creature attempting to scry and an accurate sense of her direction and distance.

06 - Mark of Evasion

The Subject avoids magical and unusual attacks with great agility

Duration: 1 hour

Chakra Cost: 24

Saving Throw: Will Negates (harmless)


The Subject gains an intuitive awareness of how to defend himself against magical attacks.

Rune Effect:

The subject gains Improved Evasion.

07 - Mark of True Vision

The Subject sees all things as they really are

Duration: 2 minutes

Chakra Cost: 28

Saving Throw: Will Negates (harmless)


The subject gains the ability to see through Globes of darkness, Notice magically hidden doors, pinpoint creatures through magical concealment and see invisible objects, as with all true-seeing in Distant realms, it will not reveal the true image of a transformed object.

Rune Effect: This rune functions as the spell true seeing, except as already noted.

Material components; The Ink for this rune is made from 25,000 ECUs worth of mushroom powder from Taytunca, saffron and Ink from a Rare Water-adapted sandworm on motavia.

08 - Mark of Sensing

The Subject gains the Blindsight and Scent qualities.

Duration: 2 Minutes

Chakra Cost: 32

Saving Throw: Will Negates (harmless)


The Subject's Non-Visual Senses are modified,

granting him the ability to notice things her cannot see.

Rune Effect:

Activating this mark grants the subject blindsight and scent, each with a range of 30 feet.

09 - Mark of Greater Sensing

The Subject gains the Tremorsense Quality

Duration: 2 Minutes

Chakra Cost: 36

Saving Throw: Will Negates (harmless)


Communion with Earth elementals/Spirits allow the subject to sense the location of anything that is in contact with the ground and within range.

Rune Effect:

Activating this mark grants the subject Tremorsense with a range of 30 feet.

10 - Mark of Ultimate Awareness

The Subject gains a powerful sixth sense.

Duration: 10 minutes

Chakra Cost: 40

Saving Throw: Will Negates (harmless)


The subject gains a powerful sixth sense, receiving instantaneous warnings of impending danger or harm.

Rune Effect:

The Subject is never surprised or flat-footed. the subjects gains a +8 Insight bonus to Defense and on Reflex saves. this insight bonus is lost whenever the subject loses her dexterity bonus to defense.