
Granted Power: you gain a +4 bonus on heal checks

01 - Mark of Healing, Minor

Level: 1

Chakra: 4

This mark functions like mark of healing, except that it cures 2d2 points of damage.

02 - Mark of Healing, Lesser

Level: 2

Chakra: 8

This mark functions like mark of healing, except that it cures 3d4 points of damage.

03 - Mark of Healing

Cures 4d6 damage

Level: 3

Chakra: 12

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: will half (harmless; see text) this mark is imbued with positive energy. It cure damage when activated.

The subject is cured of 4d6 points of damage. Since undead are powered by negative energy, this effect deals damage to them instead of curing their wounds, an undead creature can apply chakra resistance and can attempt a will save to take half damage. Note: inscribing a rune on an undead creature can be quite difficult since few will voluntarily sit completely still for a full round.

04 - Mark of Healing, Greater

Level: 4

Chakra: 16

This mark functions like mark of healing, except that it cures 5d8 points of damage.

05 - Mark of Healing, Superior

Level: 5

Chakra: 20

This mark functions like mark of healing, except that it cures 6d10 points of damage.

06 - Mark of Healing, Ultimate


Chakra: 24

This mark functions like mark of healing, except that it cures 7d12 points of damage.

07 - Sigil of Healing

Cures 4d8 points of damage for many creatures.


Chakra: 28

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: Will half (harmless) or Will half (see text)

Description: A blast of positive energy heals all nearby creatures.

Rune Effect

All creatures in the area (allies and enemies alike) are cured of 4d8 points of damage.

Like other cure effects, sigil of healing deals damage to undead in its area rather than cures them. Each affected undead may attempt a Will save for half damage.

08 - Sigil of Healing, Greater

Level: 8

Chakra: 32

This sigil functions like sigil of healing, except that it cures 5d10 points of damage.

09 - Sigil of Healing, Superior

Level: 9

Chakra: 36

This sigil functions like sigil of healing, except that it cures 6d10 points of damage.

10 - Sigil of Healing, Ultimate


Chakra: 40

This sigil functions like sigil of healing, except that it cures 200 points of damage.