News & Events

A NEW PHD STUDENT IS ON BOARD! (11th of february 2021)

Our ex-master student, Miloš Vratarić, enrolled PhD program at the Faculty of Biology University of Belgrade in 2020/2021 and will continue his work in our lab. Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development published earlier today the list of 290 talented young researchers-PhD students who will be employed in accredited scientific research organizations in Serbia. That means that Miloš is fully joining our team now, and will be employed at our Institute in the following days!

The prize from the foundation "goran ljubijankić" for the best master thesis to our ex-master student (24th of January 2021)

We are happy to announce that our master student, Miloš Vratarić won the prize from the Foundation „Goran Ljubijankić“ for the best master thesis. His master thesis „The effect of the late-onset dietary restriction on the development of inflammation in the liver of old Wistar rats“, supervised by dr Ana Teofilović (Dept. of Biochemistry, IBRSS) and dr Tanja Jevđović (Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade), was done in our lab during 2019/2020 academic year and defended at the Faculty of Biology in September 2020. Miloš is looking forward to award ceremony when the epidemiological situation in the country improves.After Goran Ljubijankić's tragic death, his parents initiated and financially supported establishment of the Foundation named “after him. Foundation was established on July 1st, 2003 by the Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering, Belgrade, Yugoslavia in which Goran spent his most productive years of scientific research. The establishing of the Foundation, besides Goran's parents and his home Institute, was helped by his colleagues form the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Trieste, Italy. The aim of the Foundation is to give support to young and promising scientists from our country in the field of Molecular Biology.Foundation “Goran Ljubijankić” gives awards every January 30th, on Goran's birthday, to the most outstanding young researchers in the field of Molecular Biology.