Have you had a lot of success finding unknown biological parents?

Our research methodologies and algorithms have proven to be quite successful! We have helped numerous people across the country solve their genealogical mysteries!  Please see a few of the testimonials on our testimonial page!

Don't you need actual DNA from my unknown biological parent in order to prove we are related?

To be 100% sure, you likely do need a direct DNA match with your parent .  But, using the DNA data from your shared relatives may be enough to get you to near 99% confidence!  We triangulate the DNA Match data obtained from genealogical testing companies to figure out where on your biological  DNA match tree you actually belong.    There is likely only one location on the DNA match tree where the shared DNA with your matches all make sense!  Our goal is to find that home for you!  Once we find your approximate home location using our triangulation methods, we take further steps to pinpoint the identities of your most probably likely parent.  We then propose that you contact certain living  family members biologically close to both  you and your likely parent on that tree to get the 99%-100%  verification you are looking for.  

How long does this discovery process take?

There are many factors that come into play here including how close your DNA matches are to you and whether they have provided their own family trees on the test site.  Other factors may include the availability of genealogical records within the  genealogical site's database. Some cases can get solved in as little as 10-15  hours of work and others may take much longer.  During our initial evaluation of your DNA matches we can provide an estimate as to how difficult your particular case may be.

So I need to submit my DNA to make this all work?  What company should I use?

Our recommendation is to take the autosomal DNA test through AncestryDNA , which has the largest database, allows you to build your own  ancestry tree and view ancestry trees of many of your DNA matches.  In addition, it can be beneficial to also submit to 23 and Me, as they have the second largest databases as of the time of this writing,  Most kits can be purchased for $49-$99 depending upon the time of year.  They typically will have their best pricing between Thanksgiving and Christmas with Black Friday and Cyber Monday usually offering the absolute lowest pricing of the year.

How do I order a test kit?

AncestryDNA test kits can be ordered online.  Once ordered, you should receive the kit by mail, usually within a week or so.  AncestryDNA requires a saliva sample.  Follow the directions given in the test kit  and put it back in the mail. They will typically quote an 8 week turnaround for receiving your results, but our experience indicates that 5-6 weeks is typical.  In the meantime, they will prompt you to start your ancestry tree.  For now, we recommend that you start your tree by filling in direct relatives (parents, grandparents, great grandparent)  that you know about and then sit and wait for your results and our consultation with you.

What is your guarantee?

Every case is different with some cases being quite simple and others very difficult.   We can only guarantee that our research will result in providing you with the most likely short list of  your parental candidates and a list of some of  the closest living relatives of that person.  If you choose, individuals on the list can be approached with this information  and requested to submit their DNA to further improve the confidence levels of the original findings.

What types of payment do you accept?

Payment can be made by personal check , electronic funds transfer, or credit cards. This will be available on the invoice we send to you.  Our preference is checks if at all possible!

Do you offer refunds?

Our terms are 50% down (non-refundable) and 50% paid prior to receiving our final report and attending our summary online meeting.

"I could not have determined the identity of my biological family without the help of Discovering U.   They have turned an only child into a sister with 7 siblings!"

  -Dawn G  Longmont, CO