What is National History day?

National History Day is a year-long education program for students in grades 6-12 that engages both educators and students to improve the teaching and learning of history in public, private, and home schools. Students who participate have shown dramatic improvements in research techniques, writing skills, historical knowledge, creativity, literacy, communication, civic engagement, and college readiness. In addition to these skills, a 2011 study demonstrates that students who participate in National History Day outperform their non-NHD peers on state standardized tests in multiple subjects, including reading, science, and math, as well as social studies.

The Tennessee Historical Society became the state affiliate of National History Day in the 2008-9 academic year. Since that time, student and educator participation across the state has more than doubled. Over 7250 students across the state participate in National History Day. After competing in a cycle of contests, a delegation of approximately 65 students is selected to represent Tennessee at the National History Day contest, held each June in College Park, MD.

National History Day in Tennessee

National History Day in Tennessee, called Tennessee History Day, starts at the regional level. Find your county on the map to the left and click the corresponding link below to explore the contest information specific to your region.

Northeast District 1

Northeast District 2




North Middle


2022-23 Tennessee history Day Resources

The Toolkit linked below is a great source for keeping up with Tennessee History Day! Find new curriculum, registration guides, important dates, PD opportunities, and more on this webpage.

Tennessee History Day Educator Toolkit

The Educators' Guide to Teaching with Primary Sources and Tennessee History Day

Funded by a grant from the Library of Congress Teaching with Primary Sources Midwest Region program, managed by Illinois State University. Content created and featured in partnership with the TPS program does not indicate an endorsement by the Library of Congress. Also funded in part by a donation from the Cumberland Pharma Foundation.

2022 THD/TPS-MTSU Summer Series: Reading the Rubrics - Increasing Student Growth by Self-AssessmenT


Email State Coordinator Nikki Ward at historyday@tennesseehistory.org