Number Theory

Number Theory  (MAL7320)

January-April, 2020

Evaluation :  

Mid Semester Examinations - 30% (15%+15%)

End Semester Examination - 30%

Quizzes -  30%

Assignments - 10%   

Quizzes  will  be  held  on  Jan 23,  Feb 27, April 11  and  April 24, 2020

Topics to be covered: 

Introduction : Divisibility, prime numbers, properties and their distribution, complete and reduced residue systems, theorems of Fermat, Euler & Wilson, application to RSA cryptosystem.Congruences : Linear congruences, Chinese Remainder theorem, quadratic congruences, and Quadratic Reciprocity law.Arithmetical functions : Examples, properties and their rate of growth, Continued fractions, and their connections with Diophantine approximations, applications to linear and Pell’s equations, Binary quadratic forms, Partition: basic properties and results.Diophatine equations : Linear, quadratic and higher degree, some general equations




                        Question Paper of Quiz-I



                  Question Paper of Quiz-II


Classes shifted to online mode due to COVID