Online SageMath Workshop

February 15-18, 2021

Speaker : Prof. Amritanshu Prasad, IMSc. Chennai.

About SageMath : SAGE is an open source mathematical software system that helps us to perform many mathematical tasks. SAGE uses Python to bind several open source packages into one coding interface. It has been used for teaching and research in various branches of pure and applied mathematics, such as basic algebra, calculus, number theory, cryptography, numerical computations, commutative algebra, group theory, combinatory, graph theory, linear algebra etc. This workshop will help the participants to understand how to utilize the open source software in computational mathematics.

YouTube Live streaming links for Lectures:

Short description of plan of Workshop:

  • Feb 15, 2021 (Monday)

Lecture (10: 00 am -11:30 am (IST)) Sage basics: Command line and notebook interfaces, calculus, linear algebra, basic plotting, reading the documentation, loading and saving files. Tutorial (3:00 pm -5:00 pm (IST)) Getting everyone to use the command line and jupyter notebook interfaces, finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices, reading the documentation of their choice.

  • Feb 16, 2021 (Tuesday)

Lecture (10: 00 am -11:30 am (IST)) Python basics 1: Conditional statements, lists and iterators, loops, list comprehension, dictionaries.

Tutorial (3:00 pm -5:00 pm (IST)) Making the tic tac toe game

  • Feb 17, 2021 (Wednesday)

Lecture (10: 00 am -11:30 am (IST)) Python basics 2: Functions, recursion, introduction to classes, bound methods and attributes.

Tutorial (3:00 pm -5:00 pm (IST)) Listing all permutations of n letters in python, creating a python class for a permutation.

  • Feb 18, 2021 (Thursday)

Lecture (10: 00 am -11:30 am (IST)) Algebra with Sage: Graphs and Groups in Sage.

Tutorial (3:00 pm -5:00 pm (IST)) Exploring automorphism groups of graphs, exploring properties of some special graphs like the Shrikhande graph.


  • Dr. Uday Bhaskar Sharma, Post Doc Research Fellow, TIFR Mumbai

  • Dr. Digjoy Paul, Post Doc Research Fellow, TIFR Mumbai

  • Dr. Arun Kumar, Post Doc Research Fellow, IISc Bangalore

  • Mr. Sridhar, Ph. D Student, IMSc Chennai

For Registration, Please fill the following form:

Due to overwhelming response, the registration is closed. The lectures of this workshop will be live streamed on YouTube and links for the same will be posted on this page.