
Summer Semester 24: Lecture course "An introduction to Diophantine geometry" and seminar "Uniformity for Rational Points" at the University of Bonn, see Bonn > SS 24.

Winter Semester 23/24: Lecture course "Algebraic Number Theory" and seminar "An introduction to quadratic forms and class field theory" at the University of Bonn, see Bonn > WS 23/24.

Summer 22: Minicourse "Functional Transcendence in Diophantine Geometry" at the CMI-HIMR Summer School on Unlikely Intersections in Diophantine Geometry, see Minicourse 22.

Trinity Term 21: Lecture course "Rational Points on Curves via Vojta's Inequality" at the University of Oxford, see Lecture TT 21.

Spring 20: Teaching Assistant for "Einführung in die Numerik/Introduction to numerical analysis"

Autumn 19: Teaching Assistant for "Lineare Algebra I/Linear algebra I"

Spring 19: Teaching Assistant for "Lineare Algebra II/Linear algebra II"

Autumn 18: Teaching Assistant for "Einführung in die Logik/Introduction to logic"

Spring 18: Teaching Assistant for "Einführung in die Numerik (Projekt)/Introduction to numerical analysis (project)"

Autumn 17: Teaching Assistant for "Einführung in die diophantische Approximation/Introduction to Diophantine approximation"

Spring 17: Teaching Assistant for "Zahlentheorie/Number theory"

Autumn 16: Teaching Assistant for "Spieltheorie/Game theory"

Spring 16: Teaching Assistant for "Lineare Algebra II/Linear algebra II"

Spring 14: Teaching Assistant for "Zahlentheorie/Number theory"

Autumn 13: Teaching Assistant for "Schülerseminar/Seminar for gifted high school students"

Spring 13: Teaching Assistant for "Infinitesimalrechnung II/Calculus II"

Autumn 12: Teaching Assistant for "Schülerseminar/Seminar for gifted high school students"