
Working Papers

Consumption Smoothing, Commodity Markets, and Informal Transfers with Christopher B. Barrett

Deadweight Losses or Gains from In-kind Transfers? Experimental Evidence from India with ‪Klaus Abbink‬, Gaurav Datt, Lata Gangadharan & Bharat Ramaswami

Difference-in-Differences with a Misclassified Treatment with Akanksha Negi

Risk-Sharing with Network Transaction Costs with Christian Cox  & Akanksha Negi

Daughter vs. Daughter-in-Law: Kinship Roles and Women's Time Use in India with Tanu Gupta

Dualistic Dairy: Animal Ownership, Milk Consumption and Child Nutrition in Rural India with Sudha Narayanan & Tanu Gupta

Birth Order Effects in Maternal Health-Seeking Behavior: Evidence from India with Abhishek Dureja

Work in Progress

Inefficiency in Agricultural Production: Do Information Frictions Matter? with Aranya Chakraborty and Rahul Rao

Price Floor, Distortions and Air Pollution

Transactions Costs, Public Transfers and Informal Insurance with Anand Dubey

Agricultural Standardization and Social Insurance with Brian Dillon

Wars, Geopolitical Risk and Global Risk Sharing in Food

Recent & Forthcoming Publications

Smoothing Consumption in Times of Illness: Household Recourse Mechanisms with Abhishek Dureja, Health Economics, 2024.

Basis Risk and the Demand for Catastrophic Rainfall Insurance with Bharat Ramaswami, Q Open, 2024.

Adoption and Impact of Hybrid Rice in India: Evidence from a Large-scale Field Survey with Anjani Kumar, Pratap S Birthal and Gaurav Tripathi, Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, 2023.

Segmented Markets and Separability: Evidence from Dairy in India with Sudha Narayanan & Tanu Gupta, Agricultural Economics, 2023.

Delayed Monsoon, Irrigation and Crop Yields with Hardeep Singh & Pratap S Birthal, Agricultural Economics, 2022.

Assessing Benefits of Crop Insurance vis-a-vis Irrigation in Indian Agriculture with Pratap Birthal, Jaweriah Hazrana & Ashok Mishra, Food Policy, 2022.

Global Food Price Surge, In-Kind Transfers and Household Welfare, World Development, 2022.

International Risk Sharing for Food Staples with Scott Bradford & Bharat Ramaswami, Journal of Development Economics, 2022.

Coping with the Consequences of Short-Term Illness Shocks: The Role of Intra-Household Labor Substitution with Abhishek Dureja, Health Economics, 2022.



Climate Change and Land-Use in Indian Agriculture with Pratap S. Birthal, Jaweriah Hazrana & Subhash Bhan, Land Use Policy, 2021.

Impacts of Climatic Hazards on Agricultural Growth in India with Pratap S. Birthal & Jaweriah Hazrana, Climate and Development, 2021.

How Sensitive is Indian Agriculture to Climate Change? with Pratap S. Birthal, Shiv Kumar, Shaily Aggarwal, A. Suresh & Md. Tajuddin Khan, Indian Journal of Agriculture Economics, 2014.

Impact of Climate Change on Yields of Major Food Crops in India: Implications for Food Security with Pratap S. Birthal, Md. Tajuddin Khan & Shaily Agarwal, Agricultural Economics Research Review, 2014.


Effectiveness of  Farmers’ Risk Management Strategies in Smallholder Agriculture: Evidence from India with Pratap S. Birthal & Jaweriah Hazrana, Climatic Change, 2021.

Benefits of Irrigation Against Heat Stress in Agriculture: Evidence from Wheat Crop in India with Pratap S.Birthal, Jaweriah Hazrana & Ghanshyam Pandey, Agricultural Water Management, 2021.

A Multilevel Analysis of Drought Risk in Indian Agriculture: Implications for Managing Risk at Different Geographical Levels with Pratap S. Birthal & Jaweriah Hazrana, Climatic Change, 2019.

Is Indian Agriculture Becoming Resilient to Droughts? Evidence from Rice Production Systems with Pratap S. Birthal, Md. Tajuddin Khan & Shaily Agarwal, Food Policy, 2015.


Crop Choices in Indian Agriculture: Role of Market Access and Price Policy with Pratap S. Birthal, Jaweriah Hazrana & Devesh Roy, Economics Bulletin, 2021.

Diversification in Indian Agriculture Towards High Value Crops: Multilevel Determinants and Policy Implications with Pratap S. Birthal & Jaweriah Hazrana, Land Use Policy, 2020.

Trade-off Between Risk and Returns in Farmers’ Choice of Crops? Evidence from India with Pratap S. Birthal & Jaweriah Hazrana, Agricultural Economics Research Review, 2019.

Farmers' Choice of Market Channels and Producer Prices in India: Role of Transportation and Communication Networks with Pratap S. Birthal, Devesh Roy & Md. Tajuddin Khan, Food Policy, 2018.

Assessing the Impact of Crop Diversification on Farm Poverty in India with Pratap S. Birthal & Devesh Roy, World Development, 2015.

The Impacts of Information on Returns from Farming: Evidence from a Nationally Representative Farm Survey in India with Pratap S. Birthal, Shiv Kumar & Devesh Roy, Agricultural Economics, 2015.


Understanding the Geographic Patterns of Diffusion of Modern Varieties in India with Anjani Kumar, Pratap S. Birthal, Jaweriah Hazrana & Gaurav Tripathi, Food Security, 2020.

Farmers’ Social Networks and the Diffusion of Modern Crop Varieties in India with Anjani Kumar, Pratap S. Birthal & Gaurav Tripathi, International Journal of Emerging Markets, 2020.


Spatial Spill-overs, Structural Transformation and Economic Growth in India with Jaweriah Hazrana, Pratap S Birthal, G Mani & G Pandey, Agricultural Economics Research Review, 2020.

Farmers’ Preference for Farming: Evidence from a Nationally Representative Farm Survey in India with Pratap S. Birthal, Devesh Roy & Md. Tajuddin Khan, The Developing Economies, 2015. 

Income Sources of Farm Households in India: Determinants, Distributional Consequences and Policy Implications with Pratap S. Birthal, Awadesh K. Jha & Dhiraj Singh, Agricultural Economics Research Review, 2014.

Prevailing Standards and Dimensions Governing Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary Compliance in Indian Black Pepper Supply Chain with Aarathi, L. R., Shiv Kumar & Dharam Raj Singh, Agricultural Economics Research Review, 2012. 


Livestock for Higher, Sustainable and Inclusive Agricultural Growth with Pratap S. Birthal, Economic and Political Weekly, 2012.

Discussion Papers

Adoption and Impact of Hybrid Rice in India with Anjani Kumar, Pratap S. Birthal & Gaurav Tripathi, 2020

Enhancing Farmers' Income: Who to Target and How? with Pratap S. Birthal & Devesh Roy, 2017

Agricultural Diversification and Poverty in India with Pratap S. Birthal & Devesh Roy, 2015

The Impact of Information on Returns from Farming with Pratap S. Birthal, Shiv Kumar & Devesh Roy, 2015

Changing Sources of Growth in Indian Agriculture with Pratap S. Birthal, Pramod K. Joshi & Shaily Agarwal, 2014

Market Integration and Price Transmission in India with S.S. Acharya, Ramesh Chand, Pratap S. Birthal & Shiv Kumar, 2012