Below are some useful website and app resources that I have come across to easily create podcasts in the classroom and then share these recordings with a wider audience.
Anchor: Windows, iOS and Android Users (Free)
Anchor is a one-stop-shop for first time podcast enthusiasts. After signing up, you can record your own podcasts, add or upload music to accompany your recordings, build episodes to your podcast and collate them in a library. You can also share your podcasts to a wider audience (incl. Google Podcasts and Apple Podcasts). It's very easy to create professional high-quality podcasts following the logical steps Anchor presents the user with, as seen below.
Available online here: https://anchor.fm/
Android App available here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fm.anchor.android&referrer=utm_source%3DAnchor%2520Home%26utm_medium%3Dcpc%26utm_campaign%3DAnchor%2520Home%26anid%3Dadmob
iOS App available here: https://itunes.apple.com/app/apple-store/id1056182234?mt=8
Ferrite: iOS Users (Free Version)
Ferrite is essentially an audio recorder app at its core, with a versatile multi-track editing studio. This app is ideal for podcasting, radio journalism, or other voice production activities like lectures, speeches, and voiceovers. It's also a very useful app to record audio that can be used in digital stories if the editing app you are using does not have a voice recording capability.
Available to download here: https://itunes.apple.com/ie/app/ferrite-recording-studio/id1018780185?mt=8
Opinion: iOS Users (Free)
Opinion is a very straightforward free app that can be downloaded on iPhone or iPad and allows the user to create podcasts without any need for additional equipment. It a great to use with younger pupils I have found as the interface (seen below) is very intuitive. Clips can be easily trimmed to the desired length, music can be added from the iTunes library and the project can also be shared to a variety of platforms, incl. Soundcloud.
iOS App available to download here: https://itunes.apple.com/app/opinion-record-podcasts-edit/id926260308