ENC4815: What is a Text?

This digital portfolio houses a variety of Brooke’s writing samples, along with a resume and cover letter curated to appeal to a specific internship opportunity. There is a reflection page highlighting design and content choices which give readers a “behind the scenes” insight into each aspect of the website. 

Adriana Dorn created and developed this Final Synthesis Webtext entitled “Adaptation” to showcase the complexities and nuances of book-to-screen adaptation. She continues to be interested in how filmmakers can interpret the spirit of the source material in a variety of ways, leading to a variety of good adaptations that speak to one another, and to creators of the past. She hopes this bit of research sparks the imaginations of other storytellers and story-lovers such as herself.

In this website, “Musical Muses,” Candice Younes attempted to make sense of the world through analyzing the intersection of music and identity. By processing the categorization of musical genres, Younes deciphered the connections between personality types, taste in music, and the complexities of lived experiences. 

Crystal Ross created this video to talk about the rhetorical canon of delivery. The video features Crystal guiding audiences through the "historical sponge" of past and present technologies impact on delivery as vital to strong rhetorical communication. Ultimately, this final ENC4815 final synthesis project provides an innovative approach to using the action of delivery quite deliberately. 

Isabella Albaig created this website as a way to display her progress in understanding and investigating Remix as it relates to the study of textuality. Albaig very much enjoyed uncovering the richness of Remix throughout her time in the English course that spurred the project. Specifically, Albaig gained an appreciation for the countless forms that remixes can take, as many of the texts she looked at in her research reiterated that virtually anything and everything could be a remix. From looking at her website, one could begin to recognize the complexity of remix and all that it has to offer for the future of our creations. 

Madeline Maguire arranged this presentation on technology to represent how, through investigation, her understanding of the term technology opened up to be “rich and generative.” By tracing the evolution of the term and the types of human artifacts that it refers to, Maguire arrived at possible future technologies, surpassing even our current understanding of “digital” technologies. 

Mia Casalanguida composed a presentation called “Delivery in Art” to illuminate delivery as a rhetorical canon, especially within the context of the evolution of fashion runways. The presentation combines images and videos of art that demonstrate the features that Casalanguida describes in order to arrive at a greater understanding of nonverbal delivery within the artistic process. 

Skylar German created this website to portray an evolving personal understanding of the term “voice.” The website accomplishes this by integrating personal narratives, visual and textual artifacts from the ENC 4815 course, and a candid conclusion. Skylar hopes that this website inspires viewers to learn more about the concept and share their own individual voices.