ENC1101: Freshman Composition and Rhetoric

Abigail Sparrow highlighted vaccination in underprivileged communities through an advocacy campaign that educates and encourages the local community to take action steps towards getting vaccinated. By integrating infographics, videos, and statistics from Tallahassee neighborhoods, Sparrow constructed a multipronged approach to tackling immunization program participation. 

Adri Roberts created Access to Health for College Kids, a website advocating for improved nutrition for college students in Tallahassee, Florida. The campaign aims to make healthier food choices accessible by providing coupons and recipes to visitors. The issue of nutrition is important to Roberts due to her family history and perspective of being a Tallahassee college student herself. 

Alewis Soto designed this website to raise awareness for environmental justice in low-income neighborhoods and to provoke political support for prioritizing community health over profit. Soto synthesizes environmentalism and social equity advocacies by providing researched evidence and ways to get involved through education and political action.

Athalia Eugene created a website to contribute to Florida’s anti-human-trafficking movement by dispensing accurate information to “inform, prevent, and protect” potential victims and witnesses. The site dispels common myths, provides statistics about trafficking in Florida, and links to the personal narratives of victims of this crime in order to empower viewers to spot and respond to signs of human trafficking. 

Arden Lunsford created this ePortfolio to showcase everything she had learned in English class and to look back upon everything she accomplished during her first semester.  Lunsford enjoyed the opportunity to use a multimedia platform to spread awareness about issues regarding environmental policy, and creatively advocate for animal rights. Lunsford’s favorite thing about her ePortfolio is how she could blend her knowledge regarding rhetoric and her talent in artistic design to compose an advocacy website for something she is passionate about.

Benjamin Ellis took a stance against chemical-based sunscreens in his advocacy campaign due to their negative impact on the natural environment and human health. Ellis provided alternate methods to protect against UV radiation plus a wealth of evidence including graphs and statistics.

Cody Smith created this advocacy website to support native Florida plant life due to his concern for the natural flora of the local ecosystem. By interspersing graphics and text to identify native and nonnative plant species, Smith outlined the extent of the issue and presented potential botanical solutions for viewers to invest in.

Elias Boeing intended to inform Floridians about the threat of red tide through this advocacy campaign. As someone who loves Florida beaches, Boeing was invested in preserving coastal ecological conditions by presenting both proactive and reactive solutions to fight this phenomenon, plus images and statistics to describe what might happen if this phenomenon goes unchecked.

Elizabeth Recla designed this website to show the viewer the advantages a non-traditional system of pasturing horses has to offer.  This project aims to show the target audience of horse and barn owners the ways the system can benefit both their horses and their land.

Born and raised in the Metro Detroit Area, Gage Willette demonstrated his passion for his hometown, and web design as an art when creating this website about the dire housing situation in Detroit. Gage enjoyed the process of developing the project from a research perspective to something that can be represented in website form. Gage plans to further pursue his passion in web development and use his skills to advocate for change in Detroit.

Georgia Strump created this website in hopes of spreading awareness of the social exclusion those with Down syndrome experience daily. Growing up, Georgia's best friend had Down syndrome, and she despised the way others would hurt her friend, often without even knowing it. She is highly passionate about this project and is honored to be nominated for this award. 

As a college student, Grayson Donohue learned firsthand the struggles of transitioning to college and wanted to make the transition easier for other students who find themselves in a college environment for the first time. Within this website, Donohue provided specific resources that FSU offers students as well as strategies for mental and academic wellness that any college student can apply to their own lives. 

Having lived in Florida long enough to see the effects of hurricane damage firsthand, Hana Shaltou created this advocacy project to advocate for legislation to protect Florida waterfront properties. Shaltou addresses voters directly to urge them to support building codes that would withstand hurricane conditions, and emphasizes how this issue affects anyone living in a coastal area who has the potential to lose both their home and access to affordable insurance. 

In this advocacy website, Hanna Brown responded to the prevalence of vaping she observed on college campuses by investigating the connection between nicotine addiction and young adults’ mental health. The site provides possible solutions for quitting vaping as well as action items for students who want to help their friends stop vaping, too.

Irdania Joseph’s advocacy campaign addresses racial representation in social and digital media and its effects on the future wellbeing of young black girls. Joseph aims to empower Black youth by informing the public on the social repercussions of under-representation and misrepresentation, as well as encouraging parents to be aware of the content their children are consuming and preparing them to have conversations with their children about positive and negative representation. 

Jackson Luther created a highly interactive website that replicates the experience of having ADHD and addresses the topic of treating ADHD in children and teenagers with prescription medication like Adderall. Luther compiled evidence against prescribing Adderall as an option of first resort to advocate for more reliance on non-medicated treatments for children. 

Jarin Gor created this multimodal advocacy project to raise awareness for CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy) within the college football community. The website describes CTE’s symptoms, probability of occurrence, and preventative measures. It also memorializes victims of CTE and advocates for litigation that would address this deadly issue.

Kathryn Harrigan designed this website to advocate for a ban on single-use plastics in order to prevent oceanic wildlife and preserve the quality of Florida beaches. Harrigan examined the dangers of microplastics, species that are imminent endangered by plastic pollution, and steps viewers should take within their community to resist further pollution of our oceans. 

Kevin Dissanayake devised this website to tackle the American student debt crisis. The site, “Rise Above Debt,” includes steps to take to pay off student debt and calls for legislative changes at both the state and national level to address the economic epidemic that is the increasing quantity of college graduates with exorbitant debts. 

Kyan Kruse is a first-year undergraduate student majoring in finance and risk management. He created this website as a part of ENC1101 to convey the current housing crisis for Florida State University students. His website not only aims to inform about the issue but also proposes a solution to this complex problem.

Lucas Viera produced this website to raise awareness of hazing in Greek life organizations on college campuses. The site educates visitors on the effects of hazing on victims and bystanders and provides strategies that witnesses can use to intervene if they observe hazing taking place. 

Mia Taylor created this advocacy project for the purpose of informing college students about the serous, broad scope impact that sleep has on their lives so that they might be motivated to improve their own sleep schedules. Having dealt with insomnia throughout her life, she wanted to share things that she found ameliorated her sleep struggles so that others might be able to do the same.

Nikhil Kimber created this ePortfolio as a way to house all of his projects throughout their English course so that he could look back and reflect on his learning process. Nikhil enjoyed the opportunity to focus on the revision and the personalization of his ePortfolio, and felt that it was fulfilling to see his work layer and build upon the concepts that he learned throughout the course. Nikhil’s favorite thing about his ePortfolio is that he was able to blend his interests with graphically designing a unique ePortfolio.

Nicolas Vignone created this advocacy campaign to support the thousands of unhoused Americans who lack the support they need to escape homelessness. Vignone describes the scope and intensity of the issue, outlines the causes and effects of homelessness, and includes a photo album of images to humanize those who face these dangerous living conditions. 

Niti Romeri created this website to address the increase of excessive phone usage and its myriad mental and physical negative effects. Romeri hopes that, by providing this information, viewers who have an addiction to screen time will gain the mental fortitude to put their phones down when they want to. 

Riley Johnson created “Recycling at FSU,” a website oriented towards protecting the natural environment through action at the local and individual level. Johnson proposes a new recycling program at FSU operating out of the Student Union that incentivizes student participation through a reward system, as well as providing alternate options for everyday single-use items that can be replaced by reusable items. 

Rebecca Gorman composed this website in response to the issue of student parking on Florida State University’s campus. The project houses a list of campus parking regulations, compares FSU’s parking situation to those of other universities, and serves testimonials from students who have struggled to access reliable parking.

Tucker Arlosoroff constructed this website to compose all the aspects of ENC 1101 to create an effective and visually appealing site. Tucker used rhetorical devices, color schemes, and a creative layout to get his message across to his specific audience. Tucker’s favorite thing about their website was being able to incorporate his own creativity into a project that is meaningful and effective.

Inspired by her own experience growing up in a closed adoption, Zoe Thornton created this website to simplify the differences between closed, open, and semi-open adoptions and tp arrange easily-accessible resources for potential adoptive parents who are considering which option is best for them. The website also serves as a public forum for visitors to share their experiences with different adoption types.