10+ Best Instant-Quoting Platforms for CNC-Machining

"Digitization is taking hold of manufacturing. High-precision capacities have never been so accessible and affordable. There is great potential buried here for every company and every engineer!"

Many competitors and alternatives for instant quoting of CNC parts (turning and milling)

It would probably be easy to write a book about choosing the right CNC manufacturer. Sometimes local proximity is simply necessary to get projects done quickly and to quality standards. But in many cases, using instant-quoting contract manufacturers can also save time and money. Many of the providers rely on huge manufacturing networks that bundle the production capacities of several thousand CNC machines and make them available via a portal on demand.

Series size also plays a major role. CNC production is particularly suitable for small batch orders. The platforms also play to their strengths here. For larger quantities, such as those common in the automotive industry or in the consumer sector, it will probablytake some time before manufacturing platforms enjoy enough confidence to handle such critical processes.

In any case, the competitive environment is positive for engineers, buyers and managers. It is easy and fast to find a suitable supplier for their own requirements from the large range of products on offer. We have collected a few instant quoting providers from the USA, Europe and the Far East and share our experiences here.

Strategic advantages for using Instant Quoting Providers for CNC-Machines Parts

Instant quoting is mainly used by companies that want to increase their efficiency or responsiveness. For companies that manufacture physical products, the benefits are clear:

Instant quoting in the manufacturing industry is thus an enabler for higher customer orientation and better business development. Especially companies that manufacture innovative and high-value products can thus accelerate their business model and make it future-proof against competition.

But time and cost advantages are also created in engineering. Prototypes can be developed more quickly and made ready for the market. Small, but R&D-intensive companies have unlimited manufacturing capacities at their disposal to realize their ideas. 

Combining benefits: Instant Quoting & Manufacturing Platforms

CNC Manufacturing Platforms with Instant Quoting Functionality

Instant Quoting is a tool to order CNC parts quickly and conveniently. By eliminating manual RFQ processes, waiting time is eliminated. In addition, there is great cost transparency, which is in the buyer's best interest as quotes can becompared quickly.

For industrial companies, however, there are exponentially more benefits when instant quoting is connected to a CNC parts production platform. These benefits cannot be delivered by a single CNC manufacturing company even - with if the company provides an instant quoting function.

Because a single CNC fabricator is always limited by its own resources and capabilities. Theoretically, he could provide his manufacturing services to his customers via instant quoting software, but he can not create platform effects.

CNC manufacturing platforms, on the other hand, draw on several thousand pavers and CNC machines. This allows them to offer a much wider variety of manufacturing options. Whether it's 5-axis machining, EDM, anodizing or quality assurance, manufacturing platforms combine the capabilities of multiple companies and make them accessible to customers through instant quoting.

Costs are also falling rapidly as manufacturers compete with each other and there is great cost transparency. At the same time, platforms can also continuously monitor and evaluate the quality of components, complaint rates and communication of their manufacturers. This quickly weeds out poor manufacturing service providers and customers can rely on consistent quality.

So you can see that instant quoting of CNC parts only brings economies of scale and benefits to the customer when combined with a production platform. Many manufacturers therefore see both technologies as threats to their business model, as their costs and quality are monitored by the platforms. For customers, however, the advantage is unbeatable, especially for SMEs that cannot invest in their own production capacities or pursue a flexible business model.

I researched the best CNC Machining Platforms for you

Of course, online manufacturers cannot be evaluated without considering quality. But with so much competition, it would also be a mammoth task (and a billion-dollar dig) to order components from each of the companies offering online CNC machining for a quality comparison. Therefore, we conducted our comparison using the following process:

Very quickly a big difference became apparent regarding the cost structure, as can be seen in the following chart:

The average price per part was $35.45. However, Fictiv (CA, USA) was an outlier. Without Fictiv, the average value would only be $23.75. The lowest-priced supplier for online milled parts was InstaWerk (Germany). 

What's interesting here is that the price structure also reveals a difference in business models: The three lowest-priced providers all operate as intermediary platforms without any own production. The standard deviation in the price structure of these three providers is only 13%, which also confirms the tough competitive environment in this industry and in this business model. Rapid Direct from China and Weerg from Italy both operated in-house manufacturing, but at comparable cost levels. 

Below are more Details on the tested online manufacturers of milled parts:

The best global providers of Online CNC machining in comparison:

InstaWerk, Germany

InstaWerk is from the motherland of mechanical engineering: Germany. Accordingly, the overriding focus of the company is clearly the quality of the components. The online calculator is clean and calculates the component costs very quickly and reliably. 

The portfolio of materials available online is somewhat smaller than at Fictiv, but the costs are also significantly lower. InstaWerk offers the option of a classic inquiry via e-mail for large series or complex projects.

Materials: various plastics, steel, copper, aluminum, titanium

Delivery times: Starting from 5 days

Costs: for our sample part the cost was $14.86 for a quantity of 10 (or 14.12 EUR).

The German manufacturing company InstaWerk prides itself on delivering the precision and quality for which Germany is known. By utilizing advanced manufacturing processes and software, they claim that each product is made to the highest standards. Their skilled workforce, robust infrastructure and supportive government all contribute to their commitment to innovation and investment in software defined manufacturing. 

The result is that they can offer their customers products that are synonymous with the outstanding quality Germany is known for around the world. Trust them to deliver the quality and reliability you need for your products.

Fictiv, USA

Ficitv instant-quoting for CNC machining

Fictiv is one of the pioneers in the field of instant quoting for CNC parts. The online mask is highly performant and is clearly aimed at professional users, who can choose from a wide range of alloys, surface treatments and delivery times. 

It is also possible to choose between Domestic and Overseas manufacturing options. Inspection reports and material certifications are also available. The direct manufacturability feedback is also interesting. 

Costs: for our sample part it was rather expensive in comparison at $93.95 for a quantity of 10.

Materials: various plastics, steel, aluminum, titanium

Delivery times: 3-5 days for domestic, 5-12 days for overseas

Fictiv provides customers with the innovation and efficiency for which American manufacturing is known. With a large and diversified offering, they are able to produce a wide range of goods, including consumer products, industrial equipment and military equipment. Their commitment to efficiency, as well as their ability to adapt quickly to changing market conditions and customer needs, sets Fictiv apart. 

The use of software to improve their processes and products reflects their innovative spirit. Fictiv's strong emphasis on automation ensures that they deliver products quickly and at a competitive price. Trust Ficitv to deliver in time, as they are proud to be a part of the American manufacturing industry known for its competitiveness in the global marketplace, even though a big part of their items is shiiped in from Asia.

Xometry, USA

Xometry may not have been the first instant quoting provider, but it has a growth story behind it that has nothing to hide. The company was founded in 2013 and is now listed on NASDAQ.

In addition to CNC manufacturing (turning, milling), Xometry also offers many additive manufacturing processes and metal cutting processes.

Costs: for our sample part it was rather cheap in comparison at $15.30 for a quantity of 10.

Materials: various plastics, steel, aluminum, titanium

Delivery times: 3 for US production, 6 days for overseas

Our experience: From our experience, the prices are really low but the quality can not compete with our service provider.

Hubs, Netherlands

Hubs - or 3D Hubs - as it was known until a few months ago, began as a platform that connected private 3D printers with customers. However, Hubs has grown out of these infancy and draws on a network of professional 3D printers and CNC manufacturers.

Most of the components are sourced in China, so the price structure is rather favorable. 

Costs: for our sample part Hubs offered at $18.78 for a quantity of 10.

Materials: various plastics, steel, aluminum, titanium

Delivery times: 7-20 days

Our experience: From our experience, the prices are really low but the quality can not compete with our service provider.

Weerg, Italy

Weerg was one of the pioneers in the field of instant quoting in Europe. The company started with additive manufacturing and you can see that in the interface, which is more aimed at hobbyists and users of additive manufacturing processes (no standards and high tolerances).

The online specification of winches and some other features of the online calculator are interesting.

Costs: for our sample part weerg was in the middle field at $37.25 for a quantity of 10.

Materials: various plastics, steel, aluminum, titanium

Delivery times: 7-20 days

Our experience: From our experience, the prices are really low but the quality can not compete with our service provider.

Rating for Unionfab

Conco Machining, China

Conco does not offer an instant quoting engine

Conco Machining is a machining service provider from Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China. Unlike their many claims on their website, they do not offer instant quoting. SO you have to send emails to get in touch with them.
They claim that their parts are used for subways, electronic enclosures, building materials, handles, cars and lighting fixturers.

Materials: Seems to be aluminium only, limited information available online (RFQ process)

Delivery times: Not available online (RFQ process)

Our experience: We didn't use their service so far and do not see any clear USP to change that anytime soon.

Rapid Direct, China

Rapid Direct Instant Quote for CNC-Milling

Rapid Direct was founded in 2009 in Shenzhen, China. Here, the technological competition with suppliers from the US and Europe is clearly taken up. As the only Chinese supplier, there is a functioning instant quoting engine with manufacturability check here. Their manufacturability check checks the following factors regarding CNC machining:

Costs: for our sample part are rather expensive in comparison at $32.55 for a quantity of 10.

Materials: Long list of various aluminium alloys, steels, ...

Unionfab, China 

Unionfab is a provider of manufacturing services with a focus on 3D printing. Although the homepage also advertises instant quoting for CNC machining, from our experience, every upload of a part leads to an RFQ process. The selectable options are also more reminiscent of additive manufacturing.

Materials: various plastics, steel, aluminum, titanium

Delivery times: Not available (RFQ process)

Our experience: Not really a good choice for us, as the online calculator is unreliable. Maybe a good choice for 3D parts, but not very suitable for CNC manufacturing.

Karkhana, India

Karkhana is a startup from India, which raised M1.5 $ to provide on-demand services for manufacturing and follow the principles of cloud manufacturing. Like Xometry Karkhana tries to offer many manufacturing processes over their instant quote app. Given the huge manufacturing capacities in India, this has a huge potential in the long term.

Unfortuntely in our case the quoting engine did not provide a proper response, so we cannot compare prices.

Materials: Various materials available

Delivery times: Not available online 

Our experience: Unstable quoting engine, but will test again in a couple of months.

WeNext, China

WeNext is perhaps the only Chinese supplier of CNC components where instant costing actually works. At least a price is output. However, the selection of materials is extremely small and there are only three post-processing options, so the current status may still be an MVP.

In my experience, the quality of the web pages is a good indication of what kind of supplier you are dealing with in terms of manufacturing quality, because poor online presences also show that the management is too shy to pay attention to these details.

Quick turn CNC Machining and Instant Quotes: The strategic advantages

Instant quotes for quick turn CNC machined parts have become popular in recent years, and for good reason. Industrial customers are looking for ways to streamline their operations, reduce costs and stay competitive in the marketplace. Instant quoting offers a number of benefits that can help industrial customers achieve these goals and strategically impact their business.

One of the most important benefits of instant quoting for CNC quick turn parts is that it significantly reduces the turnaround time for quotes. Traditionally, industrial customers have to wait days or even weeks for a quote from a machining service provider. This causes delays in the ordering process, which impacts lead times and production capacity. With Instant Quoting, customers generate quotes in minutes, allowing them to quickly choose a CNC Machining service and have their CNC-milled and/or turned parts ordered and delivered faster.

Another benefit of instant quoting is that it ensures accurate pricing. By providing the CNc-platform with the exact specifications for the parts they need, customers receive a quote that is tailored to their requirements. This eliminates the need for manual calculations and reduces the risk of errors that lead to costly mistakes and lost revenue. With accurate pricing information up front, customers make more informed decisions about which parts to order from which supplier, allowing them to optimize their operations.

Instant pricing information helps industrial customers like Tesla or Ford to better manage their costs. By improving their cost management, industrial customers can increase their profitability and competitiveness in the marketplace. With instant quoting software, customers can quickly compare prices and delivery times from multiple suppliers to ensure they are getting the best value for their money. In this way, industrial customers can improve the efficiency of their supply chain, reduce internal procurement costs and ultimately improve the cost side of their business.

Are Manufacturing Platforms a Thread to CNC Manufacturing Companies?

Manufacturing platforms are not necessarily a threat to CNC manufacturing companies, but rather a potential disruption to the traditional manufacturing industry and how parts are orders, manufactured and delievered. CNC manufacturing companies can adapt and integrate with these platforms to stay competitive and take advantage of the benefits they offer.

Manufacturing platforms offer several advantages over traditional manufacturing models, including instant quoting, online ordering, unlimited capacity and easy access to a wider range of manufacturing capabilities. This can make it easier for businesses of all sizes to access manufacturing services, which may have previously been too costly, inconvenient or complex. 

By leveraging their expertise and partnering with these platforms, CNC manufacturing companies can continue to thrive in the changing manufacturing landscape.

Conclussions: Which Instant Quoting Provider shall I choose?

In manufacturing, we often speak of the magic triangle of quality, time and cost. As a rule, you can optimize two factors to the detriment of the remaining factor. Based on our experience with the above-mentioned online founders, we can now derive a few combinations as buyer types and our recommendations.

Single Criteria Online Purchasing of CNC Milled Parts

Double Criteria Online Purchasing of CNC Milled Parts