Everything that you need to know to use on-demand service providers wisely. Access curated content on digital manufacturing services here.

On demand Manufacturing: When Hardware moves to the Cloud

"It has never been so easy to order first-class manufacturing services online with just a few clicks.
This enables hardware innovations to be made at software innovation speed."

What is On-Demand Manufacturing?

On-demand manufacturing is a flexible and risk-reducing outsourcing strategy to realize mechanical components. It is mainly used in the field of prototypes and small series. There are clearly definable differences and advantages compared to classic in-house production:

Who should use On-Demand Manufacturing?

On-demand manufacturing is mainly used by small and medium-sized companies with up to 10,000 employees, as this is where the greatest advantages are to be found. In large corporations, it is mainly development departments that use on-demand manufacturing to realize prototypes quickly and cost-effectively. In addition, on-demand manufacturing is particularly suitable for companies that have set themselves one of the following strategic goals

What is the Role of Instant-Quotes in On-Demand Manufacturing?

A crucial difference lies in classic on-demand contract manufacturers and modern, digital platforms that offer on-demand manufacturing services. While traditional contract manufacturers generally work as an extended workbench for customers, digital manufacturing platforms offer the brokerage of manufacturing services in a large network of manufacturers. 

Instant quoting has become a core technology for manufacturing platforms, allowing quotes to be generated in seconds based on CAD data. If the customer places an order, the order is automatically sent to a manufacturing partner in the network for implementation. 

Instant quoting thus reduces the ordering time from several weeks to just a few minutes and, thanks to the immediate price generation, allows for a high degree of transparency with regard to the price structure in the market. These developments are beneficial for buyers of CNC parts, 3D printed components and other mechanical components, but detrimental for manufacturers, as high competitive pressure is created.

Which manufacturing processes offer instant quoting and on-demand manufacturing

There are many manufacturing services that are offered on demand and with instant quotes. Here are some examples:

Which On-Demand Manufacturer should I use?

Even if prices gain a high transparency now, for many companies the decision for the most suitable ondemand manufacturer is usually not made with the price alone. In manufacturing, people often talk about the golden triangle of manufacturing [1]. This refers to the interdependence of cost, quality and delivery time, whereby a strong advantage in one factor usually leads to trade-offs in at least one other factor.

The greatest strategic competitive advantage for buyers of components usually arises when they use the digital purchasing processes of the platforms and thus do not waste expensive personnel on research, auditing, procurement and logistics. How decisive delivery time and quality requirements are for an industry in addition to costs varies greatly. 

We therefore recommend using our shortlist presented here as a point of reference to compare the providers with each other through real trial orders. It is only through these orders that an overriding understanding of the suitability of the supplier can be gained.

We compared a few suppliers for different manufacturing processes (CNC machining, sheet metal cutting and additive manufacturing). We looked at cost comparisons and did some trial runs to evaluate quality. Our experiences with Xometry, Protolabs and InstaWerk are very different, but impressive.

Why is now a Good Time for On-Demand Manufacturing?

The Covid pandemic, international trade and armed conflicts have caused many existing supplier relationships to falter. Whether due to sickness-related absences or material shortages, the procurement of parts is becoming increasingly challenging.

A look ahead does not bode well either: rising interest rates will make refinancing more difficult for many companies and thus increase the default risk of the existing supplier structure. But the demographic structure is also making it increasingly difficult to fulfill production orders on time and to the required quality. CNC manufacturers in the USA complain that they currently have enough orders but no staff to process them. No wonder, there are 5 million fewer employees in manufacturing today than 5 years ago [3]. With an average age of 44, there is also little hope for relief.  According to WBUR, there are capacity bottlenecks especially in CNC manufacturing and welding - and that despite higher than average salaries of $29.33 per hour.

So there is little to be said for easing the situation on the supply side, and plenty to be said for eliminating the risk by professionally organizing a preaudited and powerful on-demand network. 

Lists of On-demand Manufacturers and Instant Quote Providers

Sheet metal bending
On-demand manufacturing service providers 
On-demand manufacturing allows small and medium-sized companies to respond quickly, flexibly and without high capital investment to market and customer requirements. This makes on-demand manufacturers a perfect tool for resilient supply chains and better business success.
>> Read more.
This section will provide a comprehensive overview of relevant players to make your company more agile.
A CNC-machine cuts a metal sheet
Instant-Quoting for various manufacturing technologies
Instant quoting shifts manufacturing into a higher gear. Instant price feedback for design parts creates high market transparency and extremely high availability. Those who know how to leverage this potential for themselves and their company have a clear strategic advantage to outperform their competitors.
>> Instant Quotes for CNC Machining>> Instant Quotes for Additive Manufacturing>> Instant Quotes for Laser-Sheet Cutting

This section covers relevant players, which will provide  instant-quoting: From CNC-Cutting to additive Manufacturing.
Digital tools for manufacturing
Digital solution providers for manufacturing
Software is increasingly defining the way goods are developed, manufactured and marketed. A number of digital companies offer specialized software for manufacturing companies that allow more efficient business processes. starting from material ordering to optimizing the manufacturing and shippment process. 
>> Read more.
Learn how you can use software tools to accelerate your manufacturing and engineering processes.

News on Manufacturing in our Blog


[1]: About the principle of Cost, Time and Quality: Wikipedia Article

[2]: Shortage of Labor: WBUR

[3]: Shortage of Labor: CNN