Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

The functionality of internet-hosted services used for accessing, processing and storing data. It is the aggregation of computing power, storage, operating systems and applications amongst others.

A key characteristic of cloud services is the ubiquitous end-user accessibility to these resources without geographical or access-platform impediments, except for security considerations.

The IT cloud is not as distant or extra-terrestrial as the term may connote. It is closer than imagined and any Company can readily "touch" the cloud in many places with the use of applications such as the Performance Management Tool and the Training/Learning Management system (LMS) platforms.

Business Imperatives / Benefits:

  • Increased agility for automated scaling, adoption of new functionalities and infrastructure flexibility.

  • Cost reductions through aggregated asset lifecycle management leveraging on providers' economies of scale.

  • Improved operational reliability through replicated, specialized and shared infrastructure.

  • Ubiquitous accessibility to data and applications for enhanced productivity.

Application Migration to the Cloud

IT groups across the IT function can migrate hundreds of applications to Azure's public cloud environment quickly. For DIGITALIGE, the Value Creation Management Application and the Phone Management System is in consideration and evaluation.​

  • The request for disposal and bidding system for supply chain group can be migrated to the cloud increasing the total number of application on the cloud dramatically. This application allows users to submit and process request for disposal of company property electronically. This also includes disposal of surplus, obsolete or junk assets.

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