

折田 明子

関東学院大学人間共生学部コミュニケーション学科 准教授

1998年慶應義塾大学総合政策学部卒,2000年慶應義塾大学大学院政策・メディア研究科修士課程修了,2007年同大学同研究科にて博士(政策・メディア)取得.中央大学ビジネススクール助教,慶應義塾大学特任講師,米国ケネソー州立大学Visiting Assistant Professor,関東学院大学人間環境学部専任講師を経て現職.若年層の情報リテラシー教育,死後のデータの扱いなど生涯にわたるデータとプライバシー領域の研究に従事.EIP研究会幹事.情報社会学会理事.

Project Leader


Associate Professor,College of Human and Symbiotic Studies, Kanto Gakuin University

From 2010 to 2013, she served as a Project Assistant Professor at Keio University including her appointment as a Visiting Assistant Professor at Kennesaw State University during spring semester of 2011. During 2008 to 2010 she was an Assistant Professor at Chuo University Business School.

She received B.A. in Policy Management and M.A. in Media and Governance from Keio University. She got her Ph.D. in Media and Governance from Keio University in 2007. During her doctoral course, she stood for the Diet election as an official candidate of Democratic Party of Japan (DPT) and lost in the 3rd position.

Photo by Shunsuke Imamura

大谷 卓史

吉備国際大学 アニメーション文化学部, 准教授


Takushi OOTANI

Associate Professor, Kibi International University



1975 東京大学 工学部卒業

1980 東京大学 大学院修了(工学博士)

1980-1999 横浜国立大学

1999-2018 東京大学

2018- 理化学研究所


RIKEN・Center for Advanced Intelligence Project

1975 The University of Tokyo, grad.

1980 The University of Tokyo, Graduate School. (Doctor of Engineering)

1980-1999 Yokohama National University

1999-2018 The University of Tokyo

2018- RIKEN


情報セキュリティ大学院大学 教授


Harumichi YUASA

Professor, Institute of Information Security

Prof. Harumichi Yuasa has been Deputy President and Professor at Institute of Information Security since 2012. Previous academic positions include Vice President of Kyusyu Kokusai University, Professor, Department of Law, Kyusyu Kokusai University. His research is focusing on legal and political aspects of internet and information society including protecting privacy and personal information, administrative information handling and disclosure, regulation of cyber police and defense activities, internet election campaign and e-voting.