Best Keyword Research Tool 2020

What is keyword research?

Keyword research is the process of identifying popular search terms and phrases people type into search engines, and the strategies involve in making your content appears higher on a search engine results page (SERP).

Keyword research is a foundation of search engine optimisation (SEO) for ranking your content.

How do I choose keywords?

5 tips for Helping You Choose the right keywords

  1. Think like a customer: Think of what words or phrases would you type into a search engine as your clients.

  2. Study the competition: Analyse what keywords your competitors are using .

  3. Choosing long tail keywords for faster ranking: long-tail keywords may have stronger searcher intent and can rank faster

  4. Use keyword research tools: You need the Best Keyword Research Tool in 2020

  5. Monitor and Analyse the results: You need analytical tools to monitor and track the key metrics

What is best keyword research tool?

The best keyword research tool is the one that can help you achieve your SEO ranking as quickly as possible. It depends on your level of proficiency with SEO and content strategy.

Many keyword research tools are available in the market and we pick the top article from google for the keyword phrase "what is best keyword research tool?". The top recommendation from the best ranking article is SEMrush and accordingly we did a SEMrush review for you here.

Importance of Keyword Research in SEO

Keyword research in SEO is as important as oxygen in human living:

It's the first step for developing successful SEO for your website. ... It helps to get targeted audience for your website through search engine. It is the most important part to choose relevant keywords for your business or blog to reach relevant people.

SEMRush 7-Day Free Trial

SEMRush offers a 7-Day Free Trial. Make full use of the offer to test out the features of this powerful keyword research tool.

Decide if the tool is right for you within your 7-day free trial:


2 Free e-Books are provided below for your reference: