Meet our speakers

 Our Keynote Speakers

Marcel Salathé

Marcel Salathé, PhD is a digital epidemiologist and AI innovator. He earned his PhD at ETH Zurich and later joined Penn State University, specializing in infectious disease dynamics. He founded EPFL Extension School, focusing on digital education, and, an AI challenge platform used by major organizations. Salathé co-founded Applied Machine Learning Days, a leading European conference, and initiated for personalized nutrition. He currently leads NRP 78 (COVID-19) at the Swiss National Science Foundation and chaired the "Digital Epidemiology" expert group at the Swiss National COVID-19 Science Taskforce. He's a member of the DP-3T group, crucial in developing the Apple & Google Exposure Notification API for global decentralized digital contact tracing apps.


David Larry

Dr. David Lary is a BrainHealth® Investigator and Professor of Physics at the William B. Hanson Center for Space Sciences at The University of Texas at Dallas. He founded the Center for Multi-Scale Integrated Intelligent Interactive Sensing (MINTS) at UT Dallas, aiming to achieve preemptive human protection through holistic sensing. Prior to UT Dallas, Dr. Lary worked at NASA as the first Distinguished Goddard Fellow in earth science, focusing on data assimilation. His research combines instruments on satellites and robotic vehicles to address socially-relevant issues such as public health, drought, agriculture, and oil spills. With over 100 peer-reviewed articles, Dr. Lary's work emphasizes actionable insights through intelligent sensing and simulation, spanning from wearable sensors to remote sensing from satellites.


Vanessa Douet

Vanessa Douet, PhD has established a distinguished international career, marked by her contributions to groundbreaking multimodal research projects in both Japan and the USA. With a unique blend of expertise spanning life sciences, digital technologies, and information technology, she has authored over 30 scientific articles since completing her PhD. Over the course of more than a decade, Dr. Douet has devoted her research efforts to understanding the intricacies of brain development in children, making significant contributions to pivotal studies such as PING and ABCD. Currently, Dr. Douet serves as an adjunct professor at URE-RETINES at Côte-d’Azur University, where she shares her wealth of knowledge with the next generation of researchers. Additionally, in her role as Chief Scientific Officer at Crocogodigital, she leads innovative research and oversees clinical trials aimed at revolutionizing early-risk diagnosis, prevention, and personalized interventions in the field of mental health.


Arriel Benis

Prof. Arriel Benis, an Associate Professor at Holon Institute of Technology (HIT), heading the Digital Medical Technologies department, home to the pioneering B.Sc. program in Digital Medical Technologies, a Pre-Med program, training in parallel the next generation of healthcare data analysts.He also oversees the specialized track, "Management of Information and Technologies for Health Systems," within the M.Sc. Technology Management curriculum.

With over two decades of dedicated research in Medical Informatics, Digital Health, and Digital Epidemiology viewed through the lens of Artificial Intelligence, Arriel has made significant contributions in both academic and industrial spheres. Serving as the Israeli representative at the European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI) since 2018 and Executive Officer since 2021, he has played a pivotal role in shaping the ODH Digital Health Framework and establishing innovative working groups within both EFMI and the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA).

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Catherine Quantin 

Prof. Catherine Quantin leads the Biostatistics and Medical Information Department at the University Hospital of Dijon and is a member of the Epidemiology and Population Health Center - Inserm Paris-Saclay. Her team specializes in data collection, coding, validation, statistical analysis, and methodological development for large medical-administrative databases. They have been pioneers in accessing SNDS data for pharmaco-epidemiology research and collaborate internationally. Quantin has developed pseudonymized identification methods, including the ANONYMAT software, approved by the CNIL. Her methodologies are used nationally and internationally for various public health monitoring programs. She has significant experience in child abuse research, collaborating with the National Observatory for Child Protection (ONPE), and has supervised theses on this topic. Quantin is involved in several working groups, including COST Action 19106 and the Redsiam network, and has organized numerous national and international conferences. She has authored 597 international publications, with around 314 in PubMed.

Stéphanie Lopez

François Bremond