
DICOMTEN is implemented in collaboration between eight partners from six countries. The eight partners from the six countries were selected on the basis of their ongoing activity to develop professional digital competence (PDC) among teacher trainers and their students and/or in-service teachers. The motivation for all partners to join the network was its potential to value added to their own development work in teacher training.

Tarja Tikkanen (Coord.)

Rebecca A. C. Stuvland

Espen Lunde

Nina Helgevold

Minttu Johler

Mikko Vesisenaho

Tuula Nousiainen

Merja Juntunen

Johanna Kainulainen

Svein Ove Lysne

Elen J. Instefjord

Per Ivar Kjærgård

Sólveig Jakobsdóttir

Salvör Kristjana Gissurardóttir

Skúlina Kjartansdóttir

Torfi Hjartarson

Nicole Veelo

Mari-Ann Letnes

Fredrik Mørk Røkenes

Maire Tuul

Tobias Ley

Janika Leoste

Anna C. Engers

Anne Wedel Jacobsen

Steen Søndergaard

Italo Masiello

Marcelo Milrad